Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Fools Crow out hunting for food during the season of plague?
(a) Because they are preparing for a feast day.
(b) Fools Crow is responsible for providing for his own family.
(c) Because all the healthy men not suffering from the white scab disease must hunt or the people will starve.
(d) Because all the braves take turns hunting.

2. What do Owl Child and Fast Horse do to the band of Napikwans in Chapter 25?
(a) They sneak up on them at night and steal their horses.
(b) They try to talk with them about leaving their hunting grounds alone.
(c) They kill one Napikwan and chase the others away.
(d) They kill all the Napikwan whiskey runners.

3. Does Fast Horse know where he is going on this trip, and why?
(a) He knows he will travel to a canyon; he will discover a new land for the Pikunis.
(b) He does not know where he is going; only that it will help the Lone Eaters.
(c) He knows he is going to a far away land; he does not know why.
(d) He does not know where he is going; he does not know why he needs to take this trip.

4. What does Fools Crow do to help One Spot get rid of his nightmares?
(a) He reminds One Spot that if the wolf visits his dreams it is because he may want to become his dream helper.
(b) He performs a ritual to banish the nightmares.
(c) He hugs and comforts One Spot until he goes back to sleep.
(d) He gives him an amulet to wear while he sleeps.

5. How does the finding of Yellow Kidney further develop the theme of loss and change?
(a) Although Fast Horse no longer follows the ways of the Pikuni (loss), honor is rekindled as he admits his responsiblity (positive change).
(b) Yellow Kidney's fingers represent loss, while his death represents change.
(c) The discovery that Yellow Kidney is dead (loss) will mean the Lone Eaters will have to adjust to life without him (change).
(d) The finding of Yellow Kidney is not a good example of loss and change.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Red Paint worried about in Chapter 22?

2. Who is outside of Running Fisher's lodge, eavesdropping on lovemaking sounds?

3. Who says, "You Fast Horse, you have become the heartless insect, for you would betray your own people"?

4. What is the white scab disease?

5. What does Fools Crow discover while hunting that angers him?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Fools Crow help Red Paint's youngest brother conquer his fears and nightmares about the rabid wolf who bit him?

2. What advice and hope does Feather Woman give to Fools Crow after he sees the designs on the skin come to life?

3. Even though the Lone Eaters trust this white healer, why don't they agree to follow his advice?

4. How does the author introduce hope into the devastation that has forced the Lone Eaters to begin the journey toward the Sand Hills that gives this book its bitter-sweet ending?

5. How does Fast Horse's reaction to finding Yellow Kidney's body show he is beginning to regret the path he has chosen with Owl Child?

6. What is the significance of the thrashing wings that Fools Crow hears when he wakes in the woman's dwelling?

7. How does Fools Crow discover the new land in his dream during his seven-day journey?

8. When the Pikunis chiefs meet for council, what do they decide to do about the white healer's warning and the seizers' demands?

9. What is Fools Crow thinking and feeling as he looks at the scalp of Bull Shied?

10. What do the Pikunis ask of the seizers when told of the spread of small pox, and what do the seizers reply?

(see the answer keys)

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