Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What cure does the Napikwan healer tell the Lone Eaters about?
(a) He tells them the Napikwan are sending an elixer that will cure the white scab disease.
(b) He tells them about a vaccine that will prevent white scab disease.
(c) He tells them there is an antidote.
(d) He tells them how to treat the white scab disease with herbs and antibiotics.

2. What does Fools Crow find when he rides to the ranch house?
(a) He finds Fast Horse's many-shots-gun.
(b) He finds the man and his wife hiding inside.
(c) He finds the scalped dead man.
(d) He finds the weeping child.

3. After rejoining Owl Child and his band, what does Fast Horse tell them he wants?
(a) Fast Horse wants a new Many-shots-gun.
(b) Fast Horse wants revenge on the Napikwan who shot him.
(c) Fast Horse says he wants Owl Child to make him the leader.
(d) Fast Horse wants to leave Owl Child's band and return to his family.

4. Why is Fools Crow out hunting for food during the season of plague?
(a) Because all the braves take turns hunting.
(b) Because they are preparing for a feast day.
(c) Fools Crow is responsible for providing for his own family.
(d) Because all the healthy men not suffering from the white scab disease must hunt or the people will starve.

5. What happens to Fast Horse when the woman opens the door?
(a) Anger fills him and he trembles with the desire to kill her.
(b) He has a fever and the woman takes him in to treat him.
(c) Exhaustion overtakes him and he swoons.
(d) He is filled with a power he does not understand.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the finding of Yellow Kidney further develop the theme of loss and change?

2. What is the "Medicine Line?"

3. To what does Yellow Kidney liken his life to?

4. Even though One Spot follows Fools Crow's advice, he comes down with what disease?

5. What is the woman in the garden doing?

Short Essay Questions

1. When the Pikunis chiefs meet for council, what do they decide to do about the white healer's warning and the seizers' demands?

2. How is Yellow Kidney's body delivered back to his people?

3. Describe what Fools Crow sees or does not see in the water of the place he is lead to in his dream.

4. What is Fools Crow thinking and feeling as he looks at the scalp of Bull Shied?

5. Describe the thoughts and feelings of Yellow Kidney before, during and after he decides to leave the Lone Eater camp.

6. What does Fast Horse find in the war lodge while Owl Child stays with the horses, and how does he know who it is?

7. What is the significance of the thrashing wings that Fools Crow hears when he wakes in the woman's dwelling?

8. What do Owl Child and Fast Horse do at the ranch of the Napikwan?

9. What happens when Fools Crow catches up to Fast Horse and tries to talk to him about his association with Owl Child and his killing of the rancher?

10. Why is Fools Crow's mother angry with him as she fixes food for her guests?

(see the answer keys)

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