Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fools Crow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does Nitsokan challenge Fast Horse to travel without stopping?
(a) From dawn the first day, through the night and until dusk the second day.
(b) 24 hours.
(c) Three days and nights.
(d) Seven days and nights.

2. What does Fast Horse do to a whiskey runner?
(a) Kills him.
(b) Breaks it.
(c) Sets one up.
(d) Buys one.

3. At dusk on the third day, where does Fast Horse find himself?
(a) He arrives at a small Napikwan dwelling in a canyon.
(b) He is lost in the hills.
(c) He arrives at the deserted war lodge.
(d) He arrives at a Pikunis camp at the edge of a lake.

4. What is on the travois that the Lone Eater day rider finds?
(a) Yellow Kidney's remains.
(b) Fools Crow who is asleep as if drugged.
(c) Fast Horse who has the white scab disease.
(d) Owl Child who is shot and dying.

5. In Part 4, how does the deserted war lodge get re-introduced into the story?
(a) The Napikwans go there to destroy the war lodge.
(b) Fast Horse and Owl Child have a conversation about it.
(c) It is reintroduced as an element a dream vision.
(d) Fast Horse and Owl Child go there for shelter.

6. Why would the Lone Eaters trust the information the Napikwan healer brings?
(a) Because the healer was married to a Pikunis woman who died of the white scab disease.
(b) They would not trust any information from any Napikwan.
(c) Because he smoked the pipe and swore his tongue was true and not forked.
(d) Because Fools Crow vouched for him as a fellow healer.

7. What does the white man with the pack horses see at the war lodge?
(a) He sees a horse tied outside.
(b) He sees smoke coming out of the chimney.
(c) He sees a pack of wolves scavenging on something.
(d) He sees the war lodge is on fire.

8. What cure does the Napikwan healer tell the Lone Eaters about?
(a) He tells them the Napikwan are sending an elixer that will cure the white scab disease.
(b) He tells them about a vaccine that will prevent white scab disease.
(c) He tells them how to treat the white scab disease with herbs and antibiotics.
(d) He tells them there is an antidote.

9. What does the land that Fools Crow sees in his dream look like?
(a) It is a desolate wasteland with no water, plants, rocks or debris.
(b) It is beautiful and full of game and lush plants.
(c) It is beautiful, but there is no life in it. The water has a sandy bottom with no plants, rocks or debris.
(d) It is mountainous with a river running through it.

10. From Owl Child's lookout, who does Fast Horse recognize approaching?
(a) Yellow Kidney.
(b) Fools Crow.
(c) Rides-at-the-rails.
(d) Boss Ribs.

11. Why is Heavy Shield Woman's concerned about Running Fisher?
(a) Running Fisher is going with Fools Crow to find Fast Horse.
(b) She knows about Running Fisher and Kills-close-to-the-lake.
(c) Running Fisher has been shot.
(d) Running Fisher has moved out of the lodge and she does not know why.

12. Which of Boss Ribs' children die of the white scab disease?
(a) His oldest son.
(b) His six-year-old daughter.
(c) Red Paint.
(d) His son, Running Fisher.

13. Where is the Napikwan that injured Fast Horse?
(a) The man Fast Horse wants to get his revenge on is with the Napikwan soldiers at the fort.
(b) The man Fast Horse wants to get his revenge on is nowhere to be found.
(c) The man Fast Horse wants to get his revenge on is in the Napikwan town at the saloon.
(d) The man Fast Horse wants to get his revenge on is at his ranch along with his wife and two children.

14. In Chapter 19, what does Heavy Shield Woman do for her guests?
(a) She tells them stories.
(b) She gives each a gift.
(c) She prepares a meal for them.
(d) She prepares a sleeping area for them.

15. What is Yellow Kidney thinking about when he is killed?
(a) He is thinking about how to avoid being killed.
(b) He is thinking of his wife.
(c) He is thinking of his unborn grandson.
(d) He is thinking about how his life is like that of an old man.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Yellow Kidney leaves, what does he hope for his wife?

2. What has happened to Red Paint's youngest brother, One Spot, in Chapter 23?

3. What news do the visitors bring to the Lone Eaters' camp?

4. Fools Crow asks Fast Horse why he has changed. What is Fast Horse's response?

5. What does Fast Horse find there?

(see the answer keys)

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