Eric Test | Final Test - Medium

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Eric Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the eagle in Hell torture the man chained to a rock?
(a) Shows him his vacation pictures.
(b) Reads to him from an unsafety manual.
(c) It tells him about his hernia operation.
(d) Eats his kidneys.

2. Who has the military bearing of a weasel?
(a) Rincewind.
(b) King Mausoleum.
(c) Eric.
(d) Lavaeolus.

3. What are several chained and groaning people being shown in the second Hell pit that Rincewind and Eric encounter?
(a) A hernia operation.
(b) Volumes of unsafety manuals.
(c) Vacation pictures.
(d) Memos.

4. "A civilian was in every respect the lowest possible rank there was, coming somewhere after the regimental _______."
(a) Dog.
(b) Orangutan.
(c) Cauliflower-eared sword-swinger.
(d) Donkey.

5. What does the creator say he runs out of ideas for?
(a) Snowflakes.
(b) Sandwiches.
(c) Trees.
(d) Clouds.

Short Answer Questions

1. When in Hell, Rincewind realizes that "For ______ to be enjoyable there had to be something to compare it with."

2. What do the Ephebians uncover beneath Tsortean flagstones?

3. What do the demon lords dread receiving from Astfgl?

4. What is the second piece of matter Death witnesses popping into existence?

5. What does Rincewind think no one will be interested in a war fought over?

Short Essay Questions

1. After contemplating whether Lavaeolus should be warned about his fate, why does Rincewind choose not to?

2. How are Rincewind and Eric able to leave the beginning of the universe?

3. How do Eric's three wishes result in happy endings?

4. Describe Lavaeolus.

5. Describe Lavaeolus' reunion with Rincewind and Eric.

6. How is the Luggage instrumental in Rincewind's capture by Astfgl and escape escape from Hell?

7. Why is Astfgl upset after asking Death if he has seen Eric and Rincewind?

8. What is surprising about what Eric wants to be when he grows up?

9. What is different about Hell's boredom from the boredom that Rincewind likes?

10. What miscommunication is present between Elenor and the Ephebian army?

(see the answer keys)

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