Die Trying Test | Final Test - Easy

Lee Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Die Trying Test | Final Test - Easy

Lee Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Reacher become stuck in the tunnel at the back of the cave?
(a) The roof of the tunnel caves in.
(b) He is wedged tightly in.
(c) There is a large puddle he can't cross.
(d) A secret door traps him.

2. What does Reacher do when he shoots at the target 1000 yards away?
(a) Misses entirely.
(b) Hits with only half his bullets.
(c) Shoots the letter "B".
(d) Shoots the shape of a cross.

3. Who does Beau order to kill Reacher in Chapter 37?
(a) A masked guard.
(b) Johnson.
(c) He orders himself.
(d) Fowler.

4. Who kills Brogan?
(a) Reacher.
(b) Webster.
(c) Beau.
(d) Mac.

5. How does Webster learn that Reacher is a "good guy"?
(a) By watching a video of him.
(b) By talking to Reacher.
(c) By following his instinct.
(d) By listening to Holly.

6. When does the woman in the kitchen of the camp ask Reacher to come see her later in the night?
(a) When Reacher sees her near the shooting range.
(b) When Reacher is forced to help her.
(c) When Reacher brings food to Holly.
(d) When Reacher asks for a meal.

7. How does Reacher save Mac from being killed?
(a) He distracts them.
(b) He uses Holly as bait.
(c) He has someone set off an alarm.
(d) He shoots the guards.

8. What group does Reacher tell his punishment guard he belongs to?
(a) World Army.
(b) Field Patrol.
(c) US Marines.
(d) British Navy.

9. Who does Reacher hear Beau talking to on Johnson's radio?
(a) Webster.
(b) Brogan.
(c) Mac.
(d) Holly.

10. Why does the group have plans to kill Reacher?
(a) For working for the military.
(b) For being disobedient.
(c) For getting in the way of Holly's kidnapping.
(d) For killing Bell.

11. Who gives Reacher a tour of the camp?
(a) Fowler.
(b) Beau.
(c) Loder.
(d) A woman he doesn't know.

12. Who does Beau capture in Chapter 40?
(a) Reacher.
(b) Fowler.
(c) Webster.
(d) Mac.

13. Why does Reacher ask Mac about Brogen's height?
(a) So he can protect Holly from him.
(b) So he can hide from him.
(c) So he can shoot him.
(d) So he can make small talk.

14. Why does Reacher's punishment guard let him leave the hut at ten o'clock?
(a) Reacher convinces him with a story.
(b) Reacher pleads with him.
(c) Reacher beats him up.
(d) Reacher sneaks out when he isn't looking.

15. Why does Holly remove the bolts from her bed frame?
(a) To use as a weapon.
(b) To try to find hidden cameras.
(c) To try to sell.
(d) To break her bed.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Beau challenges Reacher to a shooting competition, how far away is the target Beau first hits?

2. Who orders planes to fly above the camp for surveillance?

3. How much money does Fowler tell Reacher their group has access to?

4. When do Webster and Mac decide to sleep in the command post in Chapter 37?

5. What do Mac and Webster feel they need to control coming in and out of Beau's camp as their first line of defense?

(see the answer keys)

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