Chronicle of a Death Foretold Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Chronicle of a Death Foretold Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Santiago felt completely covered in bird droppings when he woke. What might that suggest?
(a) A fear of birds.
(b) A negative outcome for his day.
(c) Good luck.
(d) A need to move to another town.

2. Bayardo's talk about money and his show of excess at the wedding indicate that he appears to value:
(a) What money can buy him.
(b) What others have.
(c) What makes others happy.
(d) What cannot be purchased with money.

3. Santiago's mood as he leaves his home for the last time is described as:
(a) Sick, angry, and mournful.
(b) Merry, peaceful, and openhearted.
(c) Jubilant, energetic, and eager.
(d) Tired, disinterested, and bored.

4. Margo insists that Santiago:
(a) Watch out for Pedro and Pablo Vicario.
(b) Join them at home for breakfast.
(c) Stay at his grandparents' house.
(d) Go home and rest.

5. The white linen clothes Santiago wears on the day of his death make him look:
(a) Like a bride.
(b) Like a ghost.
(c) Like he never went to bed.
(d) Like he is wearing pajamas.

Short Answer Questions

1. Maria Alejandrina Cervantes' house appears to be:

2. The Poncio twins lifting their sister by the waist and demanding an answer from her suggests what about her character?

3. The emotion Angela Vicario most clearly expresses when all is revealed is:

4. The weather on the day of Santiago's death is described by the townspeople as:

5. What might Santiago's dreams of trees symbolize?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the reunion between Bayardo San Roman and Angela Vicario.

2. What revelations does Angela Vicario express about herself?

3. The stray bullet that causes so much destruction in the neighbors' houses in Santiago's youth teaches him to be careful with a gun. What irony might this symbolize?

4. After the murder, how do people feel about the twins' actions?

5. What do Santiago's regal bearing and wiping the dirt off of his clothes in his final moments suggest?

6. Describe the Arab community's reaction to Santiago's death.

7. Describe Angela's relationship with her mother.

8. The author uses the words "tortured" and "terrified" to describe the bride, and the word "devastation" to describe the aftermath of the wedding. How are these words appropriate?

9. What contrasting characteristics does Santiago have?

10. What ironies occur on the morning of Santiago's death?

(see the answer keys)

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