Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book II, Chapter XII, what is the will described as?

2. What is St. John's purpose in using repetition throughout Dark Night of the Soul?

3. Who is cited as experiencing a life having been accessed by the devil?

4. With what are the spirits in purgatory purged?

5. What does the second property of passing through the dark night allow the soul to see in the darkness, according to Book II, Chapter XXV?

Short Essay Questions

1. How can the soul experience the presence of God while in the dark night, as described by the author in Book II, Chapter XIII?

2. In Book II, Chapter XII, how does the desire of God influence understanding and love on a believer passing through the dark night?

3. What did God do with Job during the dark night that allowed the devil access to his life, as explained by the author?

4. How does the soul speak of being happy by using the symbolism of a house in Book II, Chapter XIV?

5. What does St. John explain about his poem, "Stanza of the Soul," in Book II, Chapter XXII?

6. Why does a soul have to wear a disguise as it ascends the secret ladder?

7. How does a purifying fire of love affect the souls of humans and angels in relation to a closeness with God as described by the author?

8. As discussed in Book II, Chapter XXIV, when will the soul finally find peace and rest? Why?

9. In Book II, Chapter XI, what does the author say the soul will want to do after it has received the love for God?

10. How is this unification achieved with God, according to Book II, Chapter XXIV?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The soul becomes transformed after passing through the dark night and starts to yearn and becomes overwhelmed with the power and depth of God. Answer the following with supporting examples:

1) How does the soul act after receiving a love for God after passing through the dark night?

2) Why does the soul enter into a restless state after understanding the power of God's love?

3) Why would the soul miss the spirit of God if it were ever to leave?

Essay Topic 2

There are ten steps on the secret ladder of spirituality, as described by St. John in Dark Night of the Soul. The soul begins to climb this ladder after passing the dark night. Respond to the following questions with examples that support your answer:

1) From where does the imagery of the spiritual ladder come?

2) What are the ten steps on the ladder?

3) How does a soul reach the last step on the ladder? What does that say about the divine properties of the ladder?

Essay Topic 3

The use of analogies within Dark Night of the Soul is abundant. St. John often re-describes his explanations by comparing the experience with an analogy. By using support from the text, respond with an essay to the following:

1) Name and define at least three analogies used within Dark Night of the Soul.

2) What is the author's purpose in using analogies within his writing? What does the reader gain from reading the analogies?

(see the answer keys)

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