Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Night of the Soul Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Dark Night of the Soul, the spirit thirsts for love more than the soul thirsts because the spirit realizes what?

2. St. John's use of writing about a spiritual ladder as a path to unification with God is an example of what?

3. What is the main topic of discussion in Book II, Chapter XV?

4. For whom is the ninth step on the ladder reserved, according to Book II, Chapter XX?

5. What does the author call things that stop the human soul from seeking God?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Book II, Chapter XVI, why does the author say that it is necessary for man to learn to walk in the darkness?

2. In Book II, Chapter XII, how does the desire of God influence understanding and love on a believer passing through the dark night?

3. Why is the experience of the dark night and the spiritual ladder called "secret," as explained by the author?

4. How does St. John conclude his book in the final chapter?

5. What does St. John say happens on the fourth step of love of the secret ladder? Why does the soul not want favor from God?

6. What does St. John say happens to the soul after it has become enkindled and starts yearning for God? What would happen if the fire were to go away?

7. How can the soul experience the presence of God while in the dark night, as described by the author in Book II, Chapter XIII?

8. From where does St. John say the image of the spiritual ladder is derived?

9. In Book II, Chapter XXI, what are the colors of the disguise of the soul on the secret ladder, and what do they represent?

10. What is the author discussing in the second stanza of his poem from the prologue that is further explained in Book II, Chapter XV?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

St. John of the Cross was a very important person in the reformation of the Carmelite order of the Church and has been extremely influential in the history of the Christian faith. Please respond to the following with supporting facts:

1) How did St. John's life influence his faith?

2) How did St. John's faith influence his career?

3) What was St. John's purpose in writing Dark Night of the Soul?

Essay Topic 2

There are ten steps on the secret ladder of spirituality, as described by St. John in Dark Night of the Soul. The soul begins to climb this ladder after passing the dark night. Respond to the following questions with examples that support your answer:

1) From where does the imagery of the spiritual ladder come?

2) What are the ten steps on the ladder?

3) How does a soul reach the last step on the ladder? What does that say about the divine properties of the ladder?

Essay Topic 3

There are many benefits a soul will gain when first entering into the dark night. The lessons that the soul is taught during this time is the way to unification with God. Using supporting examples, answer the following questions:

1) What does the soul learn while first entering into the dark night?

2) What is the benefit of a soul understanding it is weak and miserable?

3) What does the phrase "growing up in Christ" mean in relation to the soul?

(see the answer keys)

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