Dark Night of the Soul Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Night of the Soul Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book II, Chapter IV, what is purged on the second night of darkness?
(a) All unclean thoughts.
(b) All mortal sins.
(c) Only the sensual part of the soul.
(d) Both parts of the soul together.

2. What does God want to do with those who go through the most intense darkness of the dark night?
(a) Purge all sin.
(b) Bring them closer.
(c) Sacrifice them.
(d) Abandon them.

3. In Book II, Chapter VI, how many kinds of pain result from the meeting of the divine and human?
(a) Ten.
(b) Two.
(c) One.
(d) Three.

4. According to St. John, what happens when beginners try to build their own spirituality instead of waiting on God?
(a) They become frustrated with the progress.
(b) They begin to influence other into sin.
(c) They succeed.
(d) They begin to feel like they no longer need God.

5. What symbolism is used to describe how the dark night dries up sensual pleasure?
(a) Breast milk.
(b) Paint.
(c) Plant roots.
(d) A cistern of water.

Short Answer Questions

1. St. John writes that because of the goodness of God's divine wisdom, the soul actually feels as if it is being what?

2. How many important points are made in Book II, Chapter X, about the purification process?

3. St. John writes that a person experiencing the dark night might feel as if who has abandoned him?

4. What is not encouraged to grow in a sensual friendship, according to Book I, Chapter IV?

5. What two things cannot exist in the same person?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does a Christian feel during the three kinds of pain that afflict him when the divine and human meet in one during the dark night, according to the author?

2. How does St. John say a person changes when his spirit becomes united with God and how does his understanding of love change?

3. Why must the soul face the darkness even though there is only misery there, as described in Book II, Chapter IX?

4. In Dark Night of the Soul, what is the difference between habitual imperfections and actual imperfections?

5. Describe how the devil uses spiritual activity to place an impure thought in a believer's head, as described in Dark Night of the Soul.

6. What happens during the first night of the dark night, as discussed in Book II, Chapter III?

7. How does the author compare divine light to sunlight?

8. What are the symptoms of the sin of pride, according to St. John?

9. How must a believer react when first realizing he has entered the dark night, according to Book I, Chapter X?

10. In Book I, Chapter VI, why are new believers especially prone to the sin of gluttony?

(see the answer keys)

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