Cruel & Unusual Test | Final Test - Easy

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Cruel & Unusual Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While talking to Grimes in the doorway, Scarpetta thinks that she sees ____________________.
(a) A cat.
(b) A child.
(c) A woman.
(d) A very large man.

2. Police want to look at Scarpetta's ___________.
(a) Email records.
(b) Research records.
(c) Musical records.
(d) Financial records.

3. What is Jennifer's ex-husband's name?
(a) Mr. Barton.
(b) Mr. Bannister.
(c) Mr. Travers.
(d) Mr. Powers.

4. With whom is Benton vacationing over the holidays?
(a) His colleagues.
(b) His dog.
(c) No one.
(d) His wife.

5. What kind of character is Benton Wesley?
(a) Wild and crazy.
(b) Old and wise.
(c) Calm and reasonable.
(d) A genius, but also a little batty.

6. What job offer does Benton make to Scarpetta by the end of the novel?
(a) To become a professor at Georgetown University.
(b) To join his Behavioral Science Unit team.
(c) To become the new director of the National Health Administration.
(d) To become his assistant.

7. Why was Susan in such need of money before her death?
(a) She had too much credit card debt.
(b) Her husband gambled everything away.
(c) She owed a gambling debt.
(d) Her husband had no money, and they had a baby on the way.

8. How does Sullivan respond to seeing Scarpetta at his apartment?
(a) He runs.
(b) He gets furious.
(c) He is grateful the police are finally involved.
(d) He seems uninterested.

9. Why was Jennifer Deighton writing to Waddell?
(a) They were secretly married.
(b) They were penpals.
(c) She was his sister.
(d) She was in love with him.

10. Initially, who requests to look at Scarpetta's records?
(a) Lucy.
(b) Marino.
(c) Benton.
(d) Office James Powers.

11. Why was Grueman unable to meet with Jennifer?
(a) Jennifer decided against the meeting.
(b) A meeting would be unethical.
(c) Waddell gave up his appeals.
(d) Jennifer was killed before they could meet.

12. What happens to Grimes by the end of the novel?
(a) She gets her job back.
(b) She loses all of her money.
(c) She is murdered.
(d) She dies.

13. In Scarpetta's thinking, what is the only thing of interest on her computer that would give someone a reason to break into it?
(a) Her bank account information.
(b) The passwords for all of her employers.
(c) Waddell's autopsy report.
(d) Medical records of her autopsy patients.

14. What did Susan come into right before she died?
(a) A great deal of money.
(b) A new house.
(c) A new car.
(d) A new job far away.

15. Why does the governor request to meet with Scarpetta?
(a) He is her boss.
(b) So she can hand over her records.
(c) All of these answers are correct.
(d) To discuss the murders.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Scarpetta answer the questions posed to her in court?

2. What does Scarpetta search Susan's office for after Susan's death?

3. Who technically owns Robyn Naismith's house?

4. Why does Scarpetta think Sullivan might have reported the robbery of his apartment?

5. Initially, how does Scarpetta respond to the request to look at her records?

(see the answer keys)

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