Copper Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Copper Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Polly, Tidbit and Amari approach the entrance to Fort Mose?
(a) They run quickly.
(b) They all join hands.
(c) They hide behind trees.
(d) They wait until nightfall.

2. What advice does Fiona NOT offer the children about getting to Fort Mose?
(a) Head south to Spanish territory.
(b) Go north to the Underground Railroad.
(c) Pretend Amari and Tidbit are Polly's slaves.
(d) Travel by night.

3. Who intercepts Polly, Tidbit and Amari before they make it to the gate?
(a) Clay.
(b) Inez.
(c) Nathan.
(d) Afi.

4. What information does Domingo Salvador NOT provide the children in Part Ten?
(a) He must turn them in before they reach St. Augustine.
(b) King Philip of Spain does not believe in slavery.
(c) Freed slaves and Native Americans are welcome at Fort Mose.
(d) They are near the St. Marys River.

5. What new decision does Amari reveal to Tidbit and Polly early on their journey in Part Seven?
(a) She reveals that she knows a member of the Underground Railroad.
(b) She reveals that she is a princess who should be in charge.
(c) She reveals that she knows the way to Fort Mose.
(d) She reveals that she will no longer go by Myna, but Amari.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does King Philip want from the citizens of Fort Mose?

2. How do the children feel about their encounter with Clay at the end of Part Seven?

3. What excuse will Dr. Hoskins give for losing the slaves and the servant?

4. When Tidbit realizes in Part Eleven he will not be able to return to Teenie, what request does he make of Amari?

5. How does Amari offer respect to the animals and vegetation they eat in Part Seven?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain the anger that both Amari and Polly feel in relation to their food poisoning.

2. Why does Dr. Hoskins feel so guilty in Part Seven?

3. What choice does Polly have in the decision to go north or south in Part Seven?

4. Why might Hushpuppy's arrival in Part Six signal luck for the trip?

5. How does Amari comfort Tidbit when he realizes in Part Eleven that he will most likely never see his mother again?

6. When Amari promises that Polly will also forever stay with Tidbit, what does she realize about keeping promises?

7. Detail Polly's description of freedom.

8. What does Inez mean when she says, "Troubles never be over chile...but it be good to share them with friends" (288)?

9. What may happen to Clay at the end of Part Seven?

10. What clues do we have that Domingo Salvador is not actually drunk in Part Ten?

(see the answer keys)

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