Copper Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Copper Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Captain Menendez address Polly, Amari, and Tidbit?
(a) "Responsible" (291).
(b) "My children" (291).
(c) "Spanish" (291).
(d) "English" (291).

2. What image does Polly use in Part Seven to describe freedom?
(a) A path that is difficult to travel.
(b) A dream that can never be attained.
(c) A beautiful leaf that is hard to catch.
(d) A flag that waves high.

3. What is the name of the leader of Fort Mose?
(a) King Philip.
(b) Captain Menendez.
(c) King Jasper.
(d) Captain Noah.

4. What does Fiona tell the children about her desire to help them?
(a) She will turn them in in the morning.
(b) She does not want to become entangled in legal affairs.
(c) She has to check with her husband before she can help them.
(d) She wants to make the choice to help them be free.

5. What does Nathan tell Polly, Tidbit and Amari about Fort Mose?
(a) That he has never heard of it.
(b) That it was recently captured by the Confederates.
(c) That it is a real place of freedom.
(d) That slavery is just as prominent there as anywhere else.

6. What do the stars symbolize for Amari in Part Seven?
(a) That there is still light in this world.
(b) That she remains on the same earth as she once did in Africa.
(c) That she is guided by the spirit of Kwasi.
(d) That God is shining down on them.

7. What food most likely makes Polly, Tidbit and Amari sick in Part Seven?
(a) Walnuts.
(b) Mayapples.
(c) Blackberries.
(d) Roots.

8. Which best describes how Amari feels once they are across the St. Mary's River?
(a) Disappointed.
(b) Free.
(c) Exhausted.
(d) Hungry.

9. How do the children feel about their encounter with Clay at the end of Part Seven?
(a) They know that their best chance is to simply put as much distance between them and Clay as they can.
(b) They hope that the rattlesnake strikes and kills him.
(c) They feel as though they should go back to check on him later.
(d) They wish him the best in health and happiness.

10. How does Amari know to navigate their journey in Part Seven?
(a) She chooses to follow other travelers.
(b) She has read a great deal about exploring.
(c) She trusts the doctor's directions.
(d) She can remember lessons about nature she learned at home.

11. What geographical feature of Spanish territory reminds Amari of Africa?
(a) Dirt paths.
(b) Yams.
(c) Palm trees.
(d) Swamps.

12. What giant animal lurks outside the children's cave in Part Seven?
(a) Wolves.
(b) Bobcats.
(c) Hushpuppy.
(d) Bears.

13. Who has been through Fort Mose already looking for Polly?
(a) Nathan.
(b) Percival.
(c) Clay.
(d) Noah.

14. What city are Polly, Tidbit and Amari near when they meet Nathan?
(a) Charles Town, SC.
(b) Atlanta, GA.
(c) Savannah, GA.
(d) Tampa, FL.

15. When Amari reminds Polly that, because she is white, the indentured girl has a choice about which way to go, how does Polly respond?
(a) She says that they all need one another.
(b) She takes off on her own.
(c) She threatens to shoot Amari.
(d) She chooses to stay because of Tidbit.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Tidbit's main concern in Part Seven?

2. What advice does Fiona NOT offer the children about getting to Fort Mose?

3. What does King Philip want from the citizens of Fort Mose?

4. How does Amari escape from Clay at the end of Part Seven?

5. Of whom does Captain Menendez remind Amari?

(see the answer keys)

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