Child of the Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

Carolina Maria De Jesus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Child of the Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

Carolina Maria De Jesus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Ditinho?
(a) Lena's son.
(b) Lena's cousin.
(c) Lena's father.
(d) Lena's brother.

2. What do Vera's children have for breakfast on June 7th?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Cakes.
(c) Tea.
(d) Bread.

3. Which type of books does Joao like to read?
(a) Comic books.
(b) Dirty books.
(c) History books.
(d) Story books.

4. How does Carolina feel when she has meat to serve her family?
(a) Dead.
(b) Alive.
(c) Sleepy.
(d) Bored.

5. Which circus does Carolina want to sing for?
(a) The Big Top Show.
(b) The Peanut Party.
(c) The Mello Brothers.
(d) The High Flyin Performers.

6. Who complains of fleas in their shack?
(a) Silvia.
(b) Carolina.
(c) Senhor Zuza.
(d) Raimundo.

7. What are the names of the two brothers who fight constantly?
(a) Raimon and Santana.
(b) Emanuel and Jesus.
(c) Vincente and Joao.
(d) Vince and Carlos.

8. Who is Orlando?
(a) The bank man.
(b) The water man.
(c) The church man.
(d) The sausage man.

9. How often does Carolina sweep her room?
(a) Twice every five days.
(b) Five times a week.
(c) Once every fifteen days.
(d) Once a day.

10. Why does the slaughterhouse stop putting their garbage out on the street?
(a) Because animals tear the bags open.
(b) Because they are mean.
(c) Because they can't afford to give food away.
(d) Because women go through it and eat the meat.

11. What does the Sao Paulo Health Department come to pick up on June 25th?
(a) Excrement.
(b) Fetid water.
(c) Snails.
(d) Bugs.

12. What does the first place prize winner of the race receive?
(a) A house.
(b) A pair of shoes.
(c) A kilo of beans.
(d) A metal.

13. What is Mr. Contrini's profession?
(a) Mayor.
(b) Doctor.
(c) Congressman.
(d) Dentist.

14. What type of disposition does Ditinho have?
(a) Happy.
(b) Kind.
(c) Cruel.
(d) Jealous.

15. Who dies on June 24th?
(a) Paredao's brother.
(b) Paredao's sister.
(c) Paredao's father.
(d) Paredao's mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long is the water line most mornings when Carolina goes to fetch water for the day?

2. How does Carolina feel when she wakes up on October 4th?

3. How old is the child in the favela who dies on October 7th?

4. What does the last place prize winner of the race receive?

5. In what year does Pedro Cardoso die?

(see the answer keys)

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