Carrie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Carrie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the path of destruction that Carrie walks?
(a) A path from school to Billy's house.
(b) A path from school to home.
(c) A path from school to Chris's house.
(d) A path from school to Sue Snell's house.

2. What flies open on its own?
(a) Carrie's bedroom door.
(b) Carrie's nighstand.
(c) The window in Carrie's bedroom.
(d) Carrie's jewelry box.

3. Where does Carrie go when Tommy is killed?
(a) To the hospital.
(b) Outside but then back inside the building again.
(c) To the police.
(d) Home.

4. What does Miss Desjardin tell Carrie?
(a) That Sue Snell has been kept from the prom.
(b) That Miss Desjardin is sorry for what happened in the gym.
(c) That she is pretty.
(d) That Chris has been kept from the prom.

5. What is Margret doing back at Carrie's home?
(a) She kills herself.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Waiting for Carrie.
(d) Still praying.

6. Who stops Margret the first time she tries to kill Carrie?
(a) A neighbor.
(b) The grandmother.
(c) She has never tried to kill Carrie.
(d) Ralph.

7. How long has Cor Simard known Carrie?
(a) She never saw her before the night of the prom.
(b) Since Carrie was 3.
(c) Since Carrie was born.
(d) Since Carrie started grade schol.

8. What does Carrie know as she is walking home?
(a) She is not sure what she will find at home.
(b) Her mother is waiting to kill her.
(c) Her mother has fled town.
(d) Her mother has killed herself.

9. What can't Sue Snell do?
(a) Think about Carrie and Tommy kissing.
(b) Look at her own motives.
(c) Feel hatred towards Carrie.
(d) Go to the prom.

10. What does Carrie think her date is doing?
(a) Having second thoughts in the driveway.
(b) She does not know.
(c) Taking someone else to the prom.
(d) Playing a practical joke on her.

11. What does Sue Snell tell Sheriff Doyle?
(a) She can't find the Sheriff.
(b) That Chris and Billy killed Tommy.
(c) That Chris and Billy are responsible and they are leaving town right then.
(d) That she thinks it is Carrie doing all this.

12. What does Margret hold while sitting in the living room?
(a) A gun.
(b) A Bible.
(c) A butcher knife.
(d) A bottle of holy water.

13. How does Carrie begin killing people in the building?
(a) Electrical shock.
(b) Toppling beams on to them.
(c) Implosion.
(d) Throwing them against the walls.

14. Why do the sprinklers come on?
(a) They malfuntion because of the doors being locked.
(b) Someone has lit a fire.
(c) Carrie flexes and causes them to turn on.
(d) Carrie has caused an explosion.

15. What does Carrie refuse to do?
(a) Let her mother come with her to the prom.
(b) Skip the prom.
(c) Raise the neckline on her dress.
(d) Change her bra.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Carrie's mother as Carrie is leaving for the prom?

2. How do people treat Carrie when she first arrives at the prom?

3. What is the first thing Carrie does when she returns to the prom?

4. What are Billy and Chris doing when they are awakened?

5. What do Carrie and her grandmother have in common?

(see the answer keys)

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