Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burmese Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Flory mistakenly believe?
(a) That Elizabeth will enjoy the bazaar.
(b) That Elizabeth is afraid of the Burmese.
(c) That he should bring Elizabeth back to England.
(d) That Elizabeth prefers the Club to the bazaar.

2. Flory is convinced he is ______________________.
(a) in love with Ma Hla May.
(b) in love with Elizabeth.
(c) destined to remain a bachelor.
(d) in love with Mrs. Lackersteen.

3. Why does Flory not kiss Elizabeth in the jungle?
(a) He fears the Burmese men will catch them.
(b) He does not want her to see him as a lover.
(c) He suddenly realizes she is indifferent toward him.
(d) He suddenly becomes aware of his birthmark.

4. Why does Flory not get to propose to Elizabeth?
(a) Lackersteen finds them kissing outside and objects.
(b) He is interrupted twice.
(c) Elizabeth refuses to hear his offer.
(d) Flory loses his nerve because of his birthmark.

5. Why are Elizabeth and Verrall indifferent to the heat?
(a) They have lived in warm climates their entire lives.
(b) They are busy drinking most of the time, and do not notice.
(c) They are young, and heat does not bother the young.
(d) They are too distracted by each other to notice.

6. What does Flory do when he learns the truth about Elizabeth's affair with Verrall?
(a) Leaves immediately for England
(b) Gets drunk and engages a Burmese prostitute
(c) Leaves immediately for the camp
(d) Gets drunk and confronts Elizabeth

7. What causes the Englishmen to feel envy for Verrall?
(a) Verrall dances with Elizabeth at the Club.
(b) Verrall is destined for a happy marriage.
(c) Verrall is extremely wealthy.
(d) Verrall has a spotless reputation with officers and creditors.

8. What do the locals carry ashore at the end of Chapter twenty-one?
(a) Ellis' body
(b) Verrall's body
(c) Westfield's body
(d) Maxwell's body

9. What ruins Flory's plan to deliver the leopard skin to Elizabeth?
(a) The prisoners sell it and replace it with a fake.
(b) The prisoners ruin it when they try to cure it.
(c) Elizabeth refuses to see Flory when he arrives.
(d) Elizabeth rejects the offer of the gift outright.

10. At the end of the chapter, both Flory and Elizabeth expect that ____________________________.
(a) Flory will enjoy one last night out with the boys that evening.
(b) Elizabeth will pay Flory more respect in the future.
(c) Elizabeth will claim to have killed the tiger on her own.
(d) Flory will propose to Elizabeth that evening.

11. Why do the Burmese riot outside the Club?
(a) Ellis has attacked a group of local boys and the Burmese want revenge.
(b) Ellis has published an unflattering article of the Burmese.
(c) Ellis has murdered a local boy, and the Burmese want revenge.
(d) Ellis has murdered Maxwell, and the Burmese want justice.

12. What does Mrs. Lackersteen plan to do at the end of Chapter 23?
(a) Invite Macgregor to dinner in order to court Elizabeth
(b) Invite Flory to dinner in order to court Elizabeth again
(c) Invite Flory to dinner in order to let him down gently
(d) Invite Verrall to dinner in order to question him about marriage

13. When Lackersteen returns from camp he _________________________.
(a) refuses to appear at the club.
(b) continues drinking and carousing with local women.
(c) attempts to rape Elizabeth.
(d) attempts to seduce Ma Hla May.

14. Verrall's face is described as _____________________.
(a) bored and unintelligent.
(b) hard, fearless, and brutal.
(c) intelligent and amused.
(d) soft, feminine, and curious.

15. Orwell states that in India you are not judged for what you do but ___________________.
(a) for who you know.
(b) for your past.
(c) for what you own.
(d) for what you are.

Short Answer Questions

1. Although Elizabeth and Verrall ride together frequently, __________________________________.

2. What is the description of the mood of Chapter 17?

3. Elizabeth's behavior at the headman's house could be described as ______________________.

4. At the end of Chapter 22, what signals a change?

5. What does U Po Kyin's plan finally cause Ma Kin to feel?

(see the answer keys)

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