Brown Girls Test | Final Test - Easy

Daphne Palasi Andreades
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brown Girls Test | Final Test - Easy

Daphne Palasi Andreades
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Amnesia, the girls struggle to get out of bed in the morning, as they realize what?
(a) Everyone they now interact with daily is white.
(b) They must go to work.
(c) They have no friends.
(d) They forgot to buy coffee.

2. The girls hop into their cars and drive away from their posh Manhattan neighborhoods, through the residential and cultural streets of Brooklyn, and finally end up where?
(a) The dregs of Queens.
(b) Coney Island.
(c) At the Atlantic Ocean.
(d) Long Island.

3. Although the girls feel the urge to run away from college, why do they stay?
(a) They have nowhere else to go.
(b) They are good girls and the ones who have succeeded in achieving the American Dream.
(c) They know it will get better.
(d) They are embarrassed to leave.

4. How much do the girls spend on ice cream on the redone boardwalk at Rockaway Beach?
(a) $8.
(b) $11.
(c) $2.
(d) $20.

5. What do those who have left the neighborhood remember seeing in the eyes of their friends who have stayed when they mentioned their accomplishments?
(a) A flash of anger.
(b) A flash of jealousy.
(c) A flash of pity.
(d) A flash of fear.

6. In Part Three, Welcome to Mars, what is compared to Mars?
(a) The universities some of the girls attend.
(b) The dregs of Queens.
(c) Men.
(d) Manhattan.

7. What is NOT an example given by the author as something intangible brought back to the States?
(a) Understanding what life would have been like for the brown girls, if their parents had never left the Motherland.
(b) A greater sense of distrust for all things American.
(c) Not caring about having darker skin.
(d) Feeling proud of their complexions.

8. What is NOT a legacy of the brown girls listed by the narrator?
(a) U.S.–backed dictatorships.
(b) Bombs.
(c) Financial and personal freedom.
(d) Missionaries.

9. In Ghosts, the girls meet up for the first time in a while, and do what?
(a) Have a slumber party.
(b) Go out for drinks.
(c) Reminisce about the past.
(d) Go dancing.

10. What does the narrator call the girls who find solace in the arts and switch their majors to art?
(a) Smart.
(b) Unsure.
(c) Reckless.
(d) Unique.

11. What do the letters brought back from the Motherland reveal about the brown girls’ parents?
(a) They have been trying to cut ties to the Motherland for years.
(b) They have been financially supported by family members in the old country.
(c) They have been sending money back home to support loved ones.
(d) They hope to return to the Motherland someday.

12. In Welcome to Mars, how do the girls feel around the elite?
(a) Out of place.
(b) Superior.
(c) Uninterested.
(d) Right at home.

13. What is NOT an example of how the brown girls traveling to Motherlands look like Americans?
(a) They wear clothing that looks like the American flag.
(b) They are bigger, due to having an American diet.
(c) They cannot stomach the water.
(d) They dress immodestly.

14. In Reunion, why are the brown girls so relieved to be around each other?
(a) They have missed sharing and gossiping with each other.
(b) They all understand what they mean when they say they are tired.
(c) They are tired of being around white people.
(d) They miss the old days.

15. In Haunting, the girls follow Trish but end up where?
(a) At the edge of a cliff.
(b) The same place they began.
(c) Gasping for air in their beds.
(d) In the dregs of Queens.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Trish die?

2. To what do the girls looks forward to in “Trish”?

3. What do the brown girls realize about their elite classmates?

4. Where do the girls meet to remember Trish?

5. As the brown girls see first-hand the devastation caused by the colonizers, what do they realize?

(see the answer keys)

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