Brown Girls Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Daphne Palasi Andreades
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brown Girls Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Daphne Palasi Andreades
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the girls feel about the store clerk?
(a) They are annoyed.
(b) They are amused.
(c) They are pissed.
(d) They are frightened.

2. How old are the girls by “Art”?
(a) 17.
(b) 14.
(c) 18.
(d) 15.

3. When the white parents consider the brown girls and their families the good, hardworking immigrants, the girls realize what about their own families?
(a) They have never considered themselves good or hardworking.
(b) They are not good or hardworking.
(c) They have said the same thing.
(d) They do not consider themselves immigrants.

4. How are the brown boys like lightning, according to the narrator?
(a) They are both powerful and dangerous.
(b) They are both scary and dangerous.
(c) They are both beautiful and dangerous.
(d) They are both bright and shining.

5. How do the girls respond when the girls receive compliments from the Italian boys on their stoops?
(a) They laugh at the boys.
(b) What made you nice?
(c) When did we become beautiful?
(d) Who are you?

Short Answer Questions

1. In Great Expectations, the narrator describes the relationship between the brown girls and who?

2. In Part One, Musical Chairs, the narrator tells of how the teachers are notorious for what?

3. What does the narrator NOT say happens to the girls whose parents catch them sneaking out?

4. What does the narrator say about the native tongues of the girls in “Art”?

5. Brown Girls is a collection of poems that tell the story of girls from what major city?

(see the answer key)

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