Beastly Movie Tie-in Edition Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Beastly Movie Tie-in Edition Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Kendra react to Kyle asking her out?
(a) She tells him that she knows what he is planning, and that it won't work.
(b) She accepts, but seems to have an agenda of her own.
(c) She turns him down, calling him a sexist pig.
(d) She accepts, and immediately seems to fall in love with him.

2. How does Kyle feel about his encounter with Kendra when he is in PE?
(a) He feels that she might be right after all.
(b) He laughs about it.
(c) He doesn't care anymore.
(d) He is still upset.

3. Who is Rob Kingsbury?
(a) Kyle's brother.
(b) Kyle's teacher.
(c) Kyle's doctor.
(d) Kyle's father.

4. Who is Kendra?
(a) An overweight Goth witch.
(b) The future homecoming queen.
(c) Kyle's mother.
(d) Kyle's best friend.

5. How does Kyle plan to get back at Kendra?
(a) He plans to spread nasty rumors about her.
(b) He plans to beat her.
(c) He plans to ask her to the dance, then humiliate her in public.
(d) He plans to set her house on fire.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Kyle's dad feel about his plan?

2. How does Kyle feel about what he sees happen to Linda in the mirror?

3. What does Kyle do that utterly surprises Magda?

4. How does Kyle combat his boredom?

5. What will break the curse?

Short Essay Questions

1. How long will Kyle remain a beast?

2. Why does Will want Kyle to work in the rose garden?

3. In PE, how does Kyle feel about what Kendra said to him?

4. How does Kyle deal with being a beast?

5. How does Kyle feel when his father doesn't return from work after finding out about the curse?

6. How does Kendra feel about Homecoming?

7. Why is Kendra in Kyle's room?

8. What does Kyle want in return for keeping his silence about his transformation?

9. How does Kyle react to finding a white rose in place of Sloane's orchid?

10. Why is Kyle uncomfortable about Kendra's public displays of affection at school?

(see the answer keys)

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