Among the Thugs Test | Final Test - Medium

Bill Buford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Among the Thugs Test | Final Test - Medium

Bill Buford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Buford compare the crowd at the FA Cup match to in "Cambridge"?
(a) Livestock in a pen.
(b) A pregnant woman.
(c) A baboon.
(d) A hot air balloon.

2. What does Buford say most things in life serve us as in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?
(a) To take our power.
(b) To show control.
(c) To remind us we are civilized and the world is a net to hold us safely.
(d) To keep us balanced.

3. What happens at the game in Hillsborough in "Dusseldorf"?
(a) People are burned to death.
(b) Hundreds are seriously injured.
(c) 1000 people rush the field.
(d) 95 people are killed because they are crushed to death.

4. What reason does Buford not give as reason that DJ is different than other supporters in "Dusseldorf"?
(a) He is well educated.
(b) He is black.
(c) He speaks French.
(d) He is Jewish.

5. Who does Buford speak to when he calls the number in the packet he is given in "Bury St. Edmunds"?
(a) Johnny.
(b) IA.
(c) Mick.
(d) Ian Anderson.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Buford say about the first person to cross the line in a crowd in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?

2. What does the police officer in "Dawes Road, Fulham" hit Buford with?

3. What does Buford say about antisocial behavior and individuality in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?

4. Where are Buford and Robert headed in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?

5. What teams does Buford mention in "Cambridge" that when a goal was finally scored the crowd erupts which results in several injuries?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe what DJ, a budding photographer, tells Buford at the beginning of "Dusseldorf."

2. What happens at the Hillsborough game in the chapter "Dusseldorf"?

3. What does Buford say at the end of "Dawes Road, Fulham" about the moment when the mob goes off?

4. According to Buford, what happens to the individual among the crowd when the football game begins?

5. What does Buford say about crowd theories in the middle of "Dawes Road, Fulham"?

6. What does Buford notice about the man he sees that stood close to him at the game in "Cambridge"?

7. What does Buford realize when he is among the crowd in Tottenham in "Dawes Road, Fulham"?

8. What does Buford notice about the skinheads at the disco in "Bury St. Edmunds"?

9. How does Buford end up at the political disco party hosted by the NF?

10. What happens to end the disco party in "Bury St. Edmunds"?

(see the answer keys)

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