Among the Thugs Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bill Buford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Among the Thugs Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bill Buford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is not mentioned being beaten by the English?
(a) A woman with a baby.
(b) A man in front of his family.
(c) An eleven year old boy.
(d) An Italian's head is smashed.

2. What does the boy who looks like Keith Richards say to Buford about the football violence?
(a) It's necessary.
(b) It is part of human nature and they would "go off" elsewhere if it weren't at the games.
(c) It's a vital part of the game and community.
(d) He hates it.

3. What does the man Buford meets in "Manchester" do for a living?
(a) He is a police officer.
(b) He's a skilled electrician.
(c) He is a retired football player.
(d) He is a janitor.

4. In Chapter 2, what team is banned from attending its own matches?
(a) Cockney Reds.
(b) Manchester United.
(c) Turin Juventus.
(d) Bobby Boss.

5. Who makes up the smaller circle of Manchester United supporters?
(a) Unofficial supporters or members of the firm.
(b) The wives to the men of the larger circle.
(c) The sons to the men of the larger circle.
(d) Ex football players.

6. Who does Buford meet and spend a long and informative evening with in "Manchester"?
(a) Mike.
(b) Mick.
(c) Nick.
(d) Chuck.

7. Why is Buford amazed by the men in ICJ he meet in "Turin".
(a) The amount they drink.
(b) The trust they have and need to prove themselves to him.
(c) The amount they cuss.
(d) The way they attack and injure people.

8. What happens to the Italian boy that braves the square in hope to practice his English in "Turin"?
(a) He is kicked in the groin and led away by his friends.
(b) He is stabbed.
(c) He is spit and urinated on.
(d) He is beaten to near death.

9. What does Mark point out to Buford in "Sunderland and Manchester" relating to mob violence?
(a) It is vital to the game and community.
(b) No one can control the mobs.
(c) The police allow it.
(d) These men desire to make history, good or bad.

10. What country are the semi-finals held in Chapter 2?
(a) Italy.
(b) Germany
(c) England.
(d) Austria.

11. How does Buford feel about the crowds at the games at the end of "A Station Outside Cardiff"?
(a) Intrigued by the crowds chaos.
(b) Hates the crowds.
(c) Scared of the crowds.
(d) Surprised that he enjoys the crowds.

12. Who does Buford notice approaching him while he is standing at the beginning of the book?
(a) Several police officers.
(b) Thugs.
(c) Football players.
(d) An old lady.

13. What happens to the woman who screams in the crowd in "Turin"?
(a) She is passed to the front and exits.
(b) She is seriously injured.
(c) She dies.
(d) She falls and breaks her leg.

14. What does Buford realize is the reason for those approaching where he is standing at the beginning of the book?
(a) Several hundred football supporters just arrived from Liverpool.
(b) Someone was just mugged.
(c) Teenagers were behaving rudley.
(d) Someone was just killed.

15. What do the fans do as they exit the plane in "Turin"?
(a) Board a train.
(b) Board buses.
(c) Run and chant.
(d) Walk to the stadium.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Robert point out to Buford in "Sunderland and Manchester" relating to mob violence?

2. What happens to Buford after he makes his way out of the mob in "Turin"?

3. Who arrives at the square at the end of "Turin"?

4. What does Buford notice about hundreds of Manchester United Fans?

5. What is "the shove"?

(see the answer keys)

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