Among the Thugs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Bill Buford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Among the Thugs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Bill Buford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Buford find interesting about the banned teams fans?
(a) Other teams are not banned.
(b) They are banned, but without enforcement.
(c) They are enforced for the first half of the game only.
(d) The police wanted to ban them, but the government did not.

2. What does Buford discover about the places in which the games are played?
(a) They don't have air conditioning.
(b) They are run down and dilapidated.
(c) They are really clean and nice.
(d) They are filled with rotten odors.

3. What does the man Buford meets in "Manchester" say is a problem within the ICJ?
(a) The women wanting to enter the mobs.
(b) The huge violence.
(c) The police.
(d) Having more than one leader.

4. What does Buford realize about the man he meets in "Manchester"?
(a) That he is a good man.
(b) That he is very important to the ICJ.
(c) That he trusts him.
(d) That he is a crook.

5. How does Buford feel about the English football game at the end of the first chapter?
(a) He is indifferent and just wants to finish his story.
(b) He loves it and wants to become a leader in one of the firms.
(c) He likes it, although he is not in a firm yet.
(d) He hates it, but needs his interview.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to cause the English to throw everything breakable at the Italians in "Turin"?

2. Where does Buford attend other matches at the end of "A Station Outside Cardiff"?

3. What does Steve believe about the mob mentality in "Sunderland and Manchester"?

4. Where does Buford go to find a "firm" in "A Station Outside Cardiff"?

5. Who does Buford attempt to locate to interview at the end of "A Station Outside Cardiff"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does the Italian army arrive and escort them to the match in "Turin"?

2. Explain what the "simple squeeze" and "the shove" are.

3. Why do the members of the ICJ feel they are most effective when they are in a foreign country at the end of "Sunderland and Manchester"?

4. What is the return flight from Turin to England like at the end of "Turin"?

5. Why does Buford go to Stamford Bridge in "A Station Outside Cardiff"?

6. Who arrives at the Stamford Bridge in "A Station outside Cardiff" and what do they do?

7. What does Mick say makes a good leader within the ICJ?

8. Briefly describe Mick, the man Buford meets in "Manchester."

9. What does Buford notice about the flight to Turin that ends up proving himself wrong?

10. What does Steve believe in "Sunderland and Manchester"?

(see the answer keys)

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