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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why might the boys like D better than Neeka or the narrator?
2. What did Tupac's shooting cause some people to call him?
3. Where has Jayjones been exercising?
4. What is D's biggest dream?
5. What makes the narrator jealous of D?
Short Essay Questions
1. What other children are in Neeka's family and how many of them are there?
2. What does D say looking at Tupac does to her?
3. How does D describe herself and why do Neeka and the narrator envy her? What does D envy about Neeka?
4. What does Neeka interrogate D about when they meet and why did D come to their street?
5. What does Jayjones tell the girls about him and Tupac?
6. What does Tupac's death make the narrator think about and what is the rest of the book about?
7. Why does Jayjones arrive at the house breathless in Chapter 5?
8. Who is D's foster mother, what is she like, and why does D obey her?
9. What do the narrator and Neeka envy about D and what does Neeka ask D to bring the next time she comes?
10. Who is Jayjones, why is he known at school and what does he want to do with his life?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
D is a "throwaway child", and the system allows foster parents to take her on (for government payments) and then dispose of her at their will. Furthermore, the reader gets the sense that the court has erred in granting D's real mother custody, considering the mother's history of alcoholism and negligence.
1. What do you think are the major problems with the foster care system in the United States? Use examples from the book and your own life to support your answer.
2. Do you think the courts should have so much power over the lives of children and their parents? Why or why not? Use examples from the book and your own life to support your answer.
3. Discuss the mental and emotional impacts D's life situation might have on her in the long term. Use examples from the book and your own life to support your answer.
Essay Topic 2
Discuss one of the following:
1. Trace and analyze one major theme of After Tupac and D Foster. Consider the following: How does one character's actions portray the theme you are analyzing? How does the setting contribute to that theme? Is the theme one that you would call a "universal theme"? If so, what other book or novel that you have read also includes this theme. If not, why don't you think it is a "universal" theme?
2. Trace and analyze two secondary themes of After Tupac and D Foster. How does one character's actions portray the themes you are analyzing? How does the setting contribute to those themes? Is each theme one that you would call a "universal theme"? If so, what other book or novel that you have read also includes this theme. If not, why don't you think it is a "universal" theme?
3. What benefit is there in discussing and analyzing the themes of a work of fiction? Do you think most authors consciously develop themes in their works? Why or why not? Can there be accidental themes? What do you think is one possible "accidental" theme in After Tupac and D Foster? Which theme in After Tupac and D Foster speaks to you the most in your life? Why?
Essay Topic 3
D reveals how she loves Tupac because she feels he knows what extreme hunger is like and what it is to go hungry because you don't have enough money. D's friends are shocked that D had such an impoverished upbringing. Neeka assures D that her mother will always have food for D, and D is grateful.
1. Why do you think in a country as rich as America there are still people who don't have enough to eat? Discuss your opinion in depth using examples from the book and your own life.
2. Given the fact that the narrator's mother works long hours to support them and where they live, why do you think the narrator and Neeka are shocked to find out about D's life? Discuss your opinion in depth using examples from the book and your own life.
3. Discuss in depth the following statement: Every human being has the right to enough food to eat.
This section contains 1,229 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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