A Year Down Yonder Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Year Down Yonder Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Peck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The big moment arrives, with a light being shone on whom?
(a) Baby Jesus.
(b) Mary Alice.
(c) Carleen.
(d) Mildred.

2. What is "Newsy Notes?"
(a) A column in the paper that gives private information about Mary Alice.
(b) A newspaper column containing bits of gossip or other town-related observations.
(c) An essay Mary Alice has written for school.
(d) A letter Mary Alice has written to the local paper.

3. To everyone's surprise, Mary Alice is chosen to play what part?
(a) An angel.
(b) The lead dancer.
(c) The main speaker.
(d) The Virgin Mary.

4. Mrs. Weidenbach and the DAR ladies arrive and are ____________ the women's presence.
(a) Happy with.
(b) Humored by.
(c) Horrified by.
(d) Surprised by.

5. Also surprising, they go out and do what?
(a) Make a wreath out of fallen fir tree branches.
(b) Buy a Christmas tree.
(c) Help out at a soup kitchen.
(d) Cut down a fir tree to act as a Christmas tree.

Short Answer Questions

1. This man explains he was sent to Grandma by Maxine Patch, the postmistress, and that he is in town to do what?

2. What does Bootsie bring that he will not allow Mary Alice to keep?

3. Grandma had planned the whole gathering for what reason?

4. The meeting proceeds, and Mrs. Weidenbach takes an opportunity to brag about what?

5. A terrified Arnold Green pads down the stairs. How does he explain this surprising event?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Mary Alice's date interrupted? How is this foreshadowed?

2. How does Mrs. Weidenbach act when Grandma agrees to bake the tarts, if the meeting is held at Grandma's home? Why does she react this way?

3. What does Grandma do to pay the bills and survive during the Great Depression? How is this foreshadowed?

4. Why is this man in town? What does Grandma think of this?

5. Why might the townspeople act this way toward this strange man?

6. Who is the strange man who comes calling? Why?

7. How does Grandma initially respond to Mrs. Weidenbach's request? Why?

8. What is the final surprise in this chapter? Are you surprised by this? Why or why not?

9. How do the girls react when a new boy enrolls in school? How does Mary Alice act? Why might she act this way?

10. How does Grandma take advantage of this man? Why does she do this?

(see the answer keys)

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