A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Joan conclude while visiting the general store?
(a) That she wanted to move to Europe.
(b) That she wanted to stay in Cape Cod.
(c) That she wanted to have another baby.
(d) That she wanted to divorce her husband.

2. Who was paying for the work of the men Joan found at her cottage upon her return from the general store?
(a) The fishermen.
(b) Joan's older son and his wife.
(c) Joan's husband.
(d) Joan.

3. What did the sign in front of the Methodist Church make Joan wonder about herself?
(a) If she needed to forgive more.
(b) If she needed to treat others more nicely.
(c) If she had been indifferent about her life and her marriage.
(d) If she needed to love more.

4. In Chapter 15, Wild and Salty, what did Joan tell Joan Erikson she would miss if she reunited with her husband?
(a) Female friendships.
(b) Being alone to think and write.
(c) Living on Cape Cod.
(d) Having secrets.

5. While walking with Joan Erickson in Chapter 10, Seal Woman, what animal did Joan see staring into a puddle?
(a) A beaver.
(b) A red fox.
(c) A brown bear.
(d) A leopard.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the T-shirt Joan wore on the seal island say?

2. How did Joan think the seals had influenced her life?

3. On what did men sit while drinking coffee outside the general store?

4. What action made the clams spit, i.e. make holes in the sand that revealed where they were?

5. What did Joan find workmen doing at her cottage upon her return from the general store?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the Cape Cod general store like, and what did being there help Joan decide about her stay in the community?

2. Who did Joan Erikson send to stay with Joan and how did Joan feel about having these guests?

3. Who was Hazel, and why did she come to visit Joan?

4. In Chapter 15, Wild and Salty, how did Joan feel about letting her husband move back in with her after he retired and where did she go to think over the prospect?

5. How did the friendship between Joan Anderson and Joan Erikson develop in Chapter 10, Seal Woman?

6. How did Joshua Cahoon help Joan learn clamming?

7. How did Joan initially feel about letting people into her home, and how did she feel about having guests at the end of Chapter 11, Ebb and Flow?

8. Why did Joan's nephew send guests to stay with Joan, and how did Joan feel about being part of her nephew's project?

9. To where did Joan ride her bike in Chapter 14, Safe Harbor, and how did she like the experience?

10. What truths about her life were revealed to Joan during her trip to the seal island in Chapter 15, Wild and Salty?

(see the answer keys)

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