A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

Joan Anderson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Joan's family feel when they learned she had a job digging for clams?
(a) Ashamed.
(b) Surprised but impressed.
(c) Amused.
(d) Disapproving.

2. Which of the following was not something that Joan thought would help her maintain her new self if she reunited with her husband?
(a) Playing hostess to her husband and his friends.
(b) Laughing and risking adventures.
(c) Generating new ideas.
(d) Sipping coffee by the shore.

3. What did the T-shirt Joan wore on the seal island say?
(a) This is what it looks like to be fifty.
(b) I love Cape Cod.
(c) I love me.
(d) I am woman.

4. What kind of party did Joan throw for her husband in Chapter 16, Port of Call?
(a) A welcome party.
(b) An anniversary party.
(c) A birthday party.
(d) A change-of-life party.

5. With which Greek goddess did Joan feel an affinity when she swam with the seals in Chapter 15, Wild and Salty?
(a) Aphrodite.
(b) Demeter.
(c) Hecate.
(d) Athena.

6. Which of the following statements was not something Joan's husband said when she called to ask him if he could help her pay for the broken appliance?
(a) She could ask one of her fishermen friends for the money.
(b) He could give her the money right away.
(c) She should have been living with him as he had planned.
(d) She had overtaxed the appliance.

7. What did the wife of Joan Erickson's cousin do for a living?
(a) She was an Episcopal priest.
(b) She was a seamstress.
(c) She was an actress.
(d) She was a psychologist.

8. What worry did Joan have about the weather during her time on the seal island?
(a) It was hurricane season.
(b) A blizzard struck.
(c) It was too foggy to see and she feared falling or drowning.
(d) It was very hot and she feared dehydrating.

9. What factors complicated Joan's job for the film crew?
(a) Joan didn't have many cooking utensils at the cottage.
(b) The crew had various dietary preferences.
(c) Joan wasn't a skilled cook.
(d) The crew hated her cooking.

10. What did Joan think that all women in long-term relationships should consider?
(a) Cutting their hair very short.
(b) A separation from their men.
(c) A vegetarian diet.
(d) New relationships.

11. Why did Joan feel that her previous hiking adventures had not tested her independence?
(a) She went on the trips with others rather than going alone.
(b) Someone besides herself had paid for her previous trips.
(c) She was a child on her previous trips.
(d) They were easy trips without physical challenges.

12. How much money did it cost to replace Joan's broken appliance?
(a) Twelve hundred dollars.
(b) A thousand dollars.
(c) Fifteen hundred dollars.
(d) Five hundred dollars.

13. Where were Joan's oldest son and his wife going for a bike trip once leaving the cottage after Memorial Day?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Europe.
(c) The Far East.
(d) California.

14. How many buckets of clams did Joan set as her goal for her first day of clamming?
(a) Ten.
(b) Two.
(c) Eight.
(d) One.

15. What action made the clams spit, i.e. make holes in the sand that revealed where they were?
(a) Pouring water on the sand.
(b) Putting raw hamburger on the sand as clam bait.
(c) Stomping around on the sand.
(d) Singing loudly to scare the clams.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of the book, where did Joan's husband ask Joan to take him the next morning?

2. Which of the following people were not guests Joan invited to her husband's party?

3. During her bicycle ride, what words did Joan see on a sign in front of the Methodist Church?

4. What gift did the fish market owner give Joan at the end of the season?

5. What strong women inspired Joan to think that she could find a way to replace her broken appliance?

(see the answer keys)

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