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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where did Martha deep much of her accounting?
2. Which social and economic class had more out-of-wedlock births?
3. What is the bulk of Martha's diary?
4. What terms does Martha very seldom use for women in her diary?
5. To what state do Martha and Ephraim move with their family?
Short Essay Questions
1. What was the religious structure in Hallowell and who was the minister in the town?
2. Who was Dr. Page and what is his relationship with Martha?
3. How many times did Martha engage a doctor during her midwife practice?
4. How many doctors and midwives were available in the Hallowell area at the time?
5. Explain the contentious relationship between Reverend Foster and Henry Sewall.
6. What did Martha charge for delivering a baby?
7. Explain how Martha's weaving business allowed for the overlapping of male and female roles in the Ballard household.
8. Explain how courtship and marriage during Martha's life were very different from popular perception of the time period.
9. How does Martha's diary show the male-dominated society in which she lived?
10. In general, how was the business in the community divided between men and women?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Sexual relations between unmarried people was considered a crime and labeled "fornication" in 18th century New England yet by all accounts it was widely practiced. Explain the ramifications for those who engaged in unmarried sex and were discovered.
Essay Topic 2
What positions other than midwife did Martha hold in the community? What was her reputation? Did people respect her? Revere her? Explain.
Essay Topic 3
Explain why Martha's diary had been overlooked for so many years. What value does it have for historians and students today?
This section contains 948 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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