A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War Test | Final Test - Easy

William Stephenson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War Test | Final Test - Easy

William Stephenson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reached the Italian Embassy in Rio?
(a) Several exposed double agents.
(b) Some of the money transferred to Mexico.
(c) Intelligence about the next thrust of Hitler's plan for Latin America.
(d) Two KGB agents who were working for the United States.

2. What did the Allies think they had failed to do?
(a) Assassinate Heydrich.
(b) Convince Stalin to remain at war with Hitler.
(c) Break a code concerning D-day.
(d) Destroy the Norsk Hydro plant.

3. Who worked at British Intelligence in a sensitive position?
(a) Kim Philby.
(b) Burgess.
(c) George Greenglass.
(d) Julius Rosenberg.

4. What did Bohr refuse?
(a) To try to assassinate Hitler the next time Hitler visited.
(b) To sabotage the plant.
(c) To turn over his research notes to scientists in the United States.
(d) To stop his work and move to England.

5. What else did the operation in question #133 do?
(a) Tested the enemy radar.
(b) Tested the enemy's codes.
(c) Tested the enemy's morale.
(d) Gained considerable ground for the allies.

6. What did Stevenson wire Churchill about Donovan?
(a) That he was retiring due to illness.
(b) That he was suspected of spy work for the Germans.
(c) That Roosevelt had fired him.
(d) That he agreed to coordinate all intelligence.

7. To whom was CYNTHIA married?
(a) Donovan.
(b) Sir Roger Donne.
(c) Stevenson.
(d) Arthur Pack.

8. Who did CYNTHIA ask for help in obtaining the French naval ciphers?
(a) Brousse.
(b) No one.
(c) De Gaulle.
(d) Mapausant.

9. What was Brazil being used as by the Nazis?
(a) A base against the United States.
(b) A place to secret stolen valuables.
(c) A hostage nation.
(d) Nothing because Brazil was unwilling to cooperate.

10. Who did Roosevelt decide to recognize?
(a) The Vichy French.
(b) Stevenson.
(c) The exiled Swedish government.
(d) Donovan.

11. How long did it take the Germans to make the Norsk Hydro plant operational again after it was destroyed?
(a) Two years.
(b) One year.
(c) Three months.
(d) Never.

12. What ship was sunk in the area of Norway?
(a) The Hood.
(b) The Dorsetshire.
(c) The Prinz Eugen.
(d) The Prince of Wales.

13. Who was Aage?
(a) Bohr's brother-in-law.
(b) An agent who spirited Bohr out of Denmark.
(c) Bohr's son.
(d) Bohr's co-worker.

14. What did Stevenson confiscate?
(a) A plane used to illegally transport intelligence for the Nazis.
(b) Several million Dutch-marks in U. S. banks.
(c) About 90 percent of the money sent to Mexico.
(d) A third of the money sent to Mexico.

15. Who continued his work in Copenhagen?
(a) Dr. Niels Bohr.
(b) Himmler.
(c) Einstein.
(d) Von Braun.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Stevenson plant to imply a plot against President Vargas?

2. When did Heydrich die?

3. What did Hoover do because of his anger?

4. Why did the British sink the French fleet at Oran?

5. What happened to the village of Lidice?

(see the answer keys)

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