24 Hours Test | Final Test - Medium

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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24 Hours Test | Final Test - Medium

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Hickey plan to take Karen first in order to get the police off their trail?
(a) To meet Will and Cheryl.
(b) A motel.
(c) The airport.
(d) The bus station.

2. What is Hickey doing when Karen receives Will's message?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Watching television.
(c) Using the restroom.
(d) Talking to Huey on the phone.

3. Huey calls Hickey from the cabin and tells him that he heard what outside?
(a) A helicopter.
(b) Police Sirens.
(c) Gun shots.
(d) Search canines.

4. Where does Cheryl tell Will to take the ransom money?
(a) Take it directly to the bank.
(b) To the cabin.
(c) Directly to Hickey.
(d) To a motel.

5. How does Will try to communicate his knowledge of Hickey to Karen?
(a) On a fax.
(b) Over the phone.
(c) Over a voice-mail on her cell phone.
(d) Through an email.

Short Answer Questions

1. Cheryl insists on returning to the burning plane in order to ____.

2. Will is disappointed about what event at the bank?

3. Karen, soon after learning about Hickey's plan for revenge, realizes what?

4. Who does Karen call to inform that Abby is in danger no matter what after she learns of Hickey's plans for revenge?

5. Where do Karen and Hickey get dressed to go in the morning after the kidnapping occurs?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 11, explain how Cheryl tries to relax Will.

2. Explain what drastic actions Hickey takes in the airport, in Chapter 17.

3. In Chapter 16, describe how Hickey finds out that the FBI have been contacted.

4. In the beginning of Chapter 17, what information about Abby's health makes the reader even more concerned?

5. In Chapter 20, Hickey finally explains his final plan to Karen. Describe Hickey's plan.

6. In Chapter 17, Special Agent Chalmers explains to Will that the FBI is doing what in order to locate Abby?

7. What does Will come to realize is different in his daughter's kidnapping versus the other past kidnappings in Chapter 14?

8. What instructions are given to Will from Hickey in Chapter 18 after Hickey discovers why the police are following him?

9. Explain how Cheryl and Hickey used to blackmail men, as depicted in Chapter 11.

10. Explain the situation which connects Will and Hickey, as depicted in Chapter 12.

(see the answer keys)

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