24 Hours Test | Final Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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24 Hours Test | Final Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. It's learned that Hickey's mother died from what medical condition?
(a) In a car accident.
(b) Breast Cancer.
(c) A heart attack.
(d) A blood clot.

2. As Hickey is pulling into the airport, Hickey calls Huey, and Huey reports what information about Abby?
(a) Abby is dead.
(b) Abby has been talking to Will on the cell phone.
(c) Abby has been in the bathroom a lot.
(d) Abby has ran away.

3. Huey crashes his car into what object, as Will attempts to rescue Abby?
(a) A tree.
(b) A telephone pole.
(c) Another car.
(d) A stop sign.

4. Who does the FBI look for quietly at Beau Rivage to receive proof that the crime is really happening again?
(a) Hickey.
(b) Cheryl.
(c) Abby.
(d) Huey.

5. Who does Will meet at the manager's office at the bank?
(a) Margaret McDill.
(b) Special Agent Chalmers.
(c) Huey.
(d) Dr. McDill.

6. Where does Hickey tell Will to stay after Hickey discovers how the FBI got their information about the kidnapping?
(a) In the cabin.
(b) In the casino.
(c) Back at the Jenning's home.
(d) In his hotel room.

7. Who is Cheryl most afraid of throughout the whole story?
(a) Huey.
(b) Karen.
(c) Will.
(d) Hickey.

8. Where does Cheryl tell Will that Abby is when they are able to speak on the phone?
(a) In a cabin in the country.
(b) At home with Karen and Huey.
(c) In another room in the hotel.
(d) That she is already dead.

9. What information does Karen inform Will of when he calls her in Chapter 14?
(a) How much the ransom is.
(b) Hickey's plan is to murder the whole family.
(c) Exactly where Abby is located.
(d) Hickey may rape her.

10. What will be the worst result of Cheryl's possible non-recovery from Will's forceful actions?
(a) Abby would die.
(b) Karen would die.
(c) The FBI will go after Will.
(d) The money could be transferred.

11. What did Cheryl and Hickey do to the past men in Cheryl's life?
(a) They blackmailed them.
(b) They kidnapped their children.
(c) They robbed them.
(d) They murdered them.

12. Who is the first character which Hickey shoots?
(a) Cheryl.
(b) Will.
(c) Stephanie Morgan.
(d) Dr. McDill.

13. What information is Will able to discover from the plane's radio while he is trying to locate Abby?
(a) What direction Hickey is heading.
(b) What type of car Huey is driving.
(c) Where Abby is located.
(d) What type of car Hickey is drving.

14. When Will finally takes off what does the FBI warn Will about?
(a) Hickey has Karen held at gunpoint.
(b) Abby is extremely ill.
(c) Hickey has kidnapped another child.
(d) His pilot's license is in danger because he left without permission.

15. What method of locating Huey does Will think is the best once he discovers Abby's likely location?
(a) Driving around Biloxi.
(b) Walking through the woods by the cabin.
(c) Staying oin one stop and letting Huey find them.
(d) Taking his plane to locate Huey from the sky.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Hickey plan to take Karen first in order to get the police off their trail?

2. As Hickey and Karen are on the highway what does Hickey become aware of?

3. Where does Cheryl suggest that Huey may have taken Abby?

4. Will is disappointed about what event at the bank?

5. Dr. McDill identifies a security photo of Cheryl taken from where?

(see the answer keys)

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