10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Elif Shafak
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Elif Shafak
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. To whom is the epigraph of the novel 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World attributed?

Albert Einstein.

2. The narrator states in the prologue, "The End," that Leila would throw what object playfully at someone she heard referring to her in the past tense?

A high-heeled shoe.

3. Leilia has a "sinking feeling" (11) when she realizes that which event has just occurred?

Her heart has ceased to beat.

4. What kind of animal is Leila's pet Charlie Chaplin?

A cat.

5. The narrator states emphatically in "The End" that what object does NOT mimic the qualities of time?

A ball of yarn.

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