Why Geography Matters: Three Challenges Facing America Test | Final Test - Medium

Harm de Blij
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why Geography Matters: Three Challenges Facing America Test | Final Test - Medium

Harm de Blij
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Afghanistan like today?
(a) It has a thriving agriculturally-based economy.
(b) It lacks most modern amenities.
(c) It is a modern Islamic country.
(d) It has become a satellite of Communist Russia.

2. Where does de Blij hope that a new, more liberal form of Islam will emerge?
(a) In Europe.
(b) In the Middle East.
(c) In the Pacific Rim.
(d) In Africa.

3. When did the Qing Dynasty collapse?
(a) In 820.
(b) In 1610.
(c) In 1911.
(d) In 2000.

4. Why did the battle for Chechen independence become an Islamic terrorist movement?
(a) Chechens began getting funding from Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia.
(b) The Chechens recruit leaders from Muslim countries.
(c) Chechnya is the location of an important Muslim holy place.
(d) Many Chechens converted to Islam after the Soviet Union collapsed.

5. Why do many people argue that it is pointless to send foreign aid to Africa?
(a) Because Africa is too far away to affect the U.S.
(b) Because African governments are so corrupt.
(c) Because Africa's problems are too big for the U.S. to help with.
(d) Because Africans do not need help from anyone.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did China change after Mao's death?

2. What country's model should be followed by the U.S. in responding to terrorist attacks, according to de Blij?

3. In which of the following countries are Muslims and Christians at war with each other?

4. What country did Afghan refugees flee to when the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan?

5. How do subsidizing American farmers hurt Africans?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Europe's low population growth, and zero population growth in some areas, troubling to world leaders?

2. Why is sub-Saharan Africa a ripe breeding ground for Islamic fundamentalism?

3. How did European actions produce havoc in Africa?

4. Why does it surprise so many people that European countries have managed to join together to form the European Union?

5. How does de Blij think that the United States could avoid another Cold War?

6. Why does de Blij feel so strongly that Americans should be educated about Africa?

7. Why does de Blij quote Napoleon's remark that China was a sleeping giant and that whoever woke it up would regret it?

8. How does the population distribution of Europe differ from that of the United States?

9. What is supranationalism? Give some examples of supranational organizations.

10. Describe China's Cultural Revolution.

(see the answer keys)

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