Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator do when he meets Josie on the way home from Pulaski's store?
(a) Trips and falls in front of her.
(b) Helps her with her groceries.
(c) Grows shy and walks away.
(d) Offers her a candy bar.

2. The narrator notes that Howie used to be fun, but now he's always what?
(a) Sleepy.
(b) Angry.
(c) Boring.
(d) Annoying.

3. What is the name of the new girl next door whom the narrator is smitten by?
(a) Christine.
(b) Caroline.
(c) Josephine.
(d) Justine.

4. During what holiday do we find the narrator at the start of Story 7?
(a) Halloween.
(b) Christmas.
(c) Easter.
(d) Valentine's Day.

5. As an adult, the narrator lives in what type of dwelling?
(a) Low-income housing.
(b) A house.
(c) An apartment.
(d) A penthouse.

6. How does Wanda feel about the narrator?
(a) She thinks he's cute but dull.
(b) She's disgusted by what he orders at the Rooster.
(c) She's had a crush on him for years and thinks she may love him.
(d) She thinks he's OK but she wishes Schwartz had asked her to the prom.

7. How does the narrator react when he sees Josie all dressed up for the party?
(a) He almost passes out.
(b) He feels underdressed.
(c) He's mesmerized.
(d) He wonders why she's dressed so casually.

8. Why did Howie quit high school?
(a) He never liked school.
(b) He was failing.
(c) To get married.
(d) To work and support his aging parents.

9. Mother wants the narrator to invite which girl to the prom?
(a) Angeline O'Connor.
(b) Wanda Hickey.
(c) Daphne Bigelow.
(d) Regina Delfin.

10. Why do the narrator and his friends parade in front of their neighbors' house after a new family moves in?
(a) They hope to be invited in for milk and cookies.
(b) To see if there are any boys their age in the family.
(c) To count how many people live there.
(d) To catch a glimpse of the exotic beauty who is their age.

11. What does Howie do now, since quitting high school?
(a) Works two jobs to make ends meet.
(b) Runs his own business.
(c) Eats at a soup kitchen for the homeless.
(d) Volunteers in the community.

12. Where must the narrator and his friends rent prom clothes from?
(a) Anthony's Fancy Clothes.
(b) Julie Bee's Formal Suits & Gowns.
(c) Al Swank's Formalwear.
(d) Gizelle's Swanky Threads.

13. The night of his first date with the neighbor girl, how long does it take the narrator to bathe and groom?
(a) Just under two hours.
(b) Fifteen minutes.
(c) An hour.
(d) Three and a half hours.

14. What does the narrator start to worry about at the party with Josie?
(a) That his friends will make fun of him next time they see him.
(b) That her parents will never like him.
(c) That Josie is far too pretty for a regular guy like him.
(d) That he'll have to get married and drop out of high school.

15. How does the Old Man react to the news that the narrator has asked Max Bigelow's daughter out on a date?
(a) He asks the narrator if he's out of his mind.
(b) He's impressed.
(c) He doesn't take the news seriously.
(d) It means nothing to him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator say that his family puts on their typical meals of meatloaf, red cabbage, and mashed potatoes?

2. Once inside the party location with Josie, the narrator realizes he's at a what?

3. What is the biggest event of the narrator's junior year in high school?

4. As the narrator waters the lawn and ponders his prom fate, how does he distract himself?

5. Where do we find the narrator at the beginning of Story 7?

(see the answer keys)

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