Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mother wants the narrator to invite which girl to the prom?
(a) Angeline O'Connor.
(b) Regina Delfin.
(c) Wanda Hickey.
(d) Daphne Bigelow.

2. What was the character Wimpy known for in old cartoons?
(a) Eating hamburgers.
(b) Flying kites.
(c) Being forgetful.
(d) Running in circles.

3. After his date with Daphne, how does the narrator get home?
(a) Is driven by the chauffeur.
(b) Hitches a ride.
(c) Rides his bike.
(d) Walks.

4. In old cartoons, who was Wimpy?
(a) Sylvester's friend.
(b) Popeye's sidekick.
(c) Orphan Annie's uncle.
(d) Betty Boop's boyfriend.

5. What does Howie do now, since quitting high school?
(a) Volunteers in the community.
(b) Eats at a soup kitchen for the homeless.
(c) Runs his own business.
(d) Works two jobs to make ends meet.

6. During Spring semester in Biology II class, Daphne is what?
(a) Absent for three weeks.
(b) Assigned to be the narrator's lab partner.
(c) Assigned to tutor the narrator in class.
(d) Showing romantic interest in the narrator.

7. Once inside the party location with Josie, the narrator realizes he's at a what?
(a) Community center.
(b) Church.
(c) School.
(d) Movie theater.

8. The narrator notes that Howie used to be fun, but now he's always what?
(a) Boring.
(b) Sleepy.
(c) Angry.
(d) Annoying.

9. What conflict does the narrator face between the girl next door and basketball?
(a) He loves basketball, but she has an irrational fear of basketball courts.
(b) He's attending a party with her on the night of a big basketball game.
(c) She wants to watch him play basketball, but he's no good.
(d) Her boyfriend is on the narrator's basketball team.

10. What does the narrator, as an adult, receive from his mother?
(a) A letter in which she says she recently saw Daphne.
(b) A BB gun she never let him have when he was a kid.
(c) A package of childhood mementos.
(d) A childhood book that she should have sent to Randy instead.

11. One of the adult narrator's prized collections is a set of first edition comics of what cartoon?
(a) Archie.
(b) Peanuts.
(c) Dilbert.
(d) Garfield.

12. What is the biggest event of the narrator's junior year in high school?
(a) Inaugural Prom.
(b) Homecoming.
(c) Valentine's Day Dance.
(d) Junior Prom.

13. By the time Josie and the narrator have reached their homes walking from the grocery store, what has transpired?
(a) She has told him she has a boyfriend.
(b) She has invited him to a party.
(c) He has asked her out on a date.
(d) He has professed his love to her.

14. As the narrator waters the lawn and ponders his prom fate, how does he distract himself?
(a) By watching his neighbor Josephine through the window.
(b) By thinking about the most recent science fiction novel he's read.
(c) By scheming how he's going to get out of having to attend prom.
(d) By occasionally spraying his younger brother.

15. When Mr. Bigelow chats with the narrator as he waits for Daphne at her house, the man mistakes the young man for who?
(a) The son of a wealthy socialite.
(b) One of the Pittsburgh Steel Shepherds.
(c) A member of the Bumpus family.
(d) One of Daphne's former boyfriends.

Short Answer Questions

1. The night of his first date with the neighbor girl, how long does it take the narrator to bathe and groom?

2. In what major way did Maxwell Bigelow help the community?

3. As an adult, the narrator lives in what type of dwelling?

4. Why do the narrator and his friends parade in front of their neighbors' house after a new family moves in?

5. By the end of the formal dance, the narrator says that flowers are wilted, jackets are limp, and what else?

(see the answer keys)

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