Under Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Farfadet "saved"?
(a) Eudoxie kisses him.
(b) He is baptized in the church.
(c) The mortar that lands near him is a dud.
(d) He is sent to become a typist.

2. Where do the events of the first chapter take place?
(a) In Paris.
(b) In Greece.
(c) On the French-German border.
(d) In the Alps.

3. Volpatte shares the first part of his story just after the squad finishes what type of duty?
(a) Creating a large dirt pallisade.
(b) Rebuilding a road.
(c) Digging a deep trench.
(d) Patrolling a forested area.

4. Pépin states that engages should not boast of having served unless they do which of the following?
(a) Face machine gun fire.
(b) Encounter a tank.
(c) Charge into an enemy trench.
(d) Experience poison gas.

5. Why can Eudore's five friends not make it to their real destination?
(a) It is a war-zone.
(b) The road washed out.
(c) It has been leveled by artillery.
(d) It turned into an army depot.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Chapter 12 begins, how long has the squad been digging trenches?

2. What does Volpatte say about the four great rivers of France?

3. Cpl. Marchal serves with what military units?

4. Why do the other men try to coax Volpatte into sharing his story?

5. Chapter 7 begins with the squad waiting where as they prepare for redeployment?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Paradis's mood change throughout Chapter 16?

2. What is Poterloo's mental state when he and the narrator discover the remains of Souchez?

3. What do the soldiers think about people touting the fine and admirable side of war?

4. How prepared are the men for a gas attack?

5. What do Volpatte and Fouillade do between the time they are sent to the shell-hole and the time they are found by their unit?

6. What are the men's hopes and fears as their last day of leave approaches?

7. What are Lamuse and the narrator's opinions about aircraft?

8. What happens when the refuge is shelled by artillery?

9. According to the author, what is important about the men writing letters home?

10. What is the state of the area around the railway station where the squad waits in Chapter 7?

(see the answer keys)

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