Under Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What biblical location does the narrator allude to as he carries Joseph to safety?
(a) Gehenna.
(b) Calvary.
(c) Golgotha.
(d) Gethsemane.

2. What injuries has Farfadet sustained when the narrator meets him at the refuge?
(a) He lost one eye, the other is bandaged.
(b) He suffered burns by chemical gas.
(c) He lost both legs.
(d) He lost both arms.

3. Who is eager to prove themselves as a new cook?
(a) Blaire.
(b) Poupardin.
(c) Pépin.
(d) Volpatte.

4. What does Volpatte say about the state of France?
(a) There are two Frances, and there are too many on the happy side.
(b) It is bound to fall apart.
(c) It has not changed since the revolution, and will never change.
(d) It can never be defeated.

5. At the beginning of Chapter 16, why is Paradis worn out?
(a) He has not eaten all day.
(b) He has been digging trenches all day.
(c) He has been serving as a liaison.
(d) He is carrying a machine-gun.

6. What was the purpose of the patrol that Lamuse, Barque, Biquet, and Eudore died on?
(a) To clear out an international trench.
(b) To locate new supplies.
(c) To clear an area of mines.
(d) To find a German listening post.

7. What does the author call the useless things that the men carry with them?
(a) Their "burdens."
(b) Their "crutches."
(c) Their "treasures."
(d) Their "souvenirs."

8. What is an international trench?
(a) A trench built in no-man's land.
(b) A trench built by multiple allied nations.
(c) A trench containing troops from different allied nations.
(d) A trench with parts occupied by opposing forces.

9. When the squad's march comes to a halt, there is always a competition for which of the following?
(a) Tobacco.
(b) Sleeping space.
(c) Place in the food line.
(d) The first watch.

10. What irritates the men the most about the shirkers?
(a) They wear their uniforms in the safety of the city.
(b) They have better wages.
(c) They brag of their exploits.
(d) They try to act like comrades to real soldiers.

11. The newspaper story says that which of the following was turned up when a civilian's yard was bombed?
(a) An old graveyard.
(b) A treasure chest.
(c) An illegal wine cellar.
(d) German spies.

12. Why does Cpl. Bertrand wake the narrator at 2 a.m.?
(a) To search for a body.
(b) For guard duty.
(c) To talk with him.
(d) To help bury bodies.

13. How does Lamuse return to the trench after helping the sappers?
(a) He is escorted back by military police.
(b) He slinks in, totally depressed.
(c) He runs back, yelling hysterically.
(d) He wanders back, as if by accident.

14. Overall, how do the men feel about the things they carry with them?
(a) They take great care in the selection and arrangement of carried items.
(b) They carry only what their officers force them to.
(c) They don't seem to care at all.
(d) They resent almost everything they have to carry.

15. What does Volpatte repeat as he charges into the machine gun fire?
(a) "Hurry up."
(b) "Don't worry."
(c) "Let's go."
(d) "Alright."

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the men take from the German sentry they kill?

2. What do the men note about the commandant?

3. The narrator describes the field of corpses being processed as being like which of the following?

4. How does Pépin die?

5. In Chapter 14, the squad learns that they are headed where?

(see the answer keys)

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