Under Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under Fire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the squad dispatched at the end of Chapter 2?
(a) To the reserves area.
(b) To Egypt.
(c) To the Ardennes.
(d) To the front.

2. Chapter 7 begins with the squad waiting where as they prepare for redeployment?
(a) A large camp.
(b) A railway platform.
(c) An aid station.
(d) A motor pool.

3. How does the narrator feel about the trench completed in Chapter 12?
(a) He thinks it is worthless.
(b) He admires it's fine construction.
(c) He thinks it was poorly designed.
(d) He knows it will be destroyed by artillery.

4. When Cpl. Marchal and the narrator meet, they discuss which of the following happening to their mutual friends?
(a) Honorable discharge.
(b) Death by nerve gas.
(c) Death by bombardment.
(d) Promotion.

5. Cpl. Marchal serves with what military units?
(a) The Republican Guard engineering brigade.
(b) The 5th and 6th battalions.
(c) The 154th rifles.
(d) The Moroccan Division.

6. When first asked to share his story about the depot, what does Volpatte repeat?
(a) "There are too many of them."
(b) "You would not believe me."
(c) "It is not worth telling."
(d) "They are fools."

7. What does Eudoxie do when Lamuse announces his feelings to her?
(a) She is speechless.
(b) She falls in love with him.
(c) She rejects him.
(d) She is frightened, but accepting.

8. What does Fouillade do during the rainstorm?
(a) He reads a newspaper.
(b) He drinks alone.
(c) He showers in the rain.
(d) He talks about his hometown.

9. Volpatte's compatriots oppose him when he criticizes what group?
(a) The English enlisted men.
(b) The police.
(c) The civilians.
(d) The medical staff.

10. In general, what opinion do the soldiers have of the local women?
(a) They are friendly.
(b) They are prudish.
(c) They cook poorly.
(d) They are ugly.

11. Overall, the men of Cpl. Bertrand's squad are best described in what way?
(a) They are eccentric ruffians.
(b) They are soft-spoken heroes.
(c) They are timid cowards.
(d) They are simple, normal men.

12. What is Biquet's response to his mother's concern for him as expressed in her letter?
(a) He immediately writes back to console her.
(b) He is amused.
(c) He is worried.
(d) He is totally unphased.

13. According to Cocon, how many divisions comprise a corps?
(a) Four corps.
(b) Two corps.
(c) Ten corps.
(d) Seven corps.

14. Cpl. Bertrand is described as being which of the following?
(a) Argumentative.
(b) Aloof.
(c) Courageous.
(d) Insane.

15. Where do the events of the first chapter take place?
(a) In Paris.
(b) In Greece.
(c) In the Alps.
(d) On the French-German border.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Tirloir's nickname?

2. Pépin states that engages should not boast of having served unless they do which of the following?

3. What do the men concede with regards to the "shirkers"?

4. Barque is described as being which of the following?

5. While watching the chickens, what dose Paradis see?

(see the answer keys)

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