Twelve Years a Slave Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Years a Slave Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Based on Author Northrup's description of the Christmastime gatherings attended by slaves and plantation owners, what seemed to be missing from the festivities?
(a) Music.
(b) Children.
(c) Clergymen.
(d) Food.

2. For the most part, why did whippings occur with high frequency at the Epps plantation?
(a) Because the slaves tended to get rowdy.
(b) Because Epps constantly accused the slaves of stealing from him.
(c) Because the slaves were constantly late to the cotton field.
(d) Because slaves did not pick the right amount of cotton.

3. What did Bass view as a more effective means for getting help for Solomon to be freed from slavery?
(a) Sending a letter to the President of the United States.
(b) Traveling to Saratoga Sprngs himself.
(c) Traveling to Washington City to meet with the President of the United States to discuss Solomon's matter.
(d) Getting Lawyer Henry B. Northrup to write a letter to the President of the United States.

4. Following up on the characterization of Judge Turner, how did he differ from other planters in the area with regard to their treatment of slaves?
(a) He allowed the slaves to rest two days per week.
(b) He did not expect too much work or productivity from the slaves.
(c) He paid the slaves for their work.
(d) He only expected the slaves to work every other day.

5. Which of the following could be viewed as Epps' loss in the course of mistreating his slaves?
(a) Profit loss resulting from the work of his slaves.
(b) A decrease in productivity due to his slaves having been beaten to the point of not being able to work.
(c) Leading his son to believe that he did not have to respect.the slaves--even if they were older than him.
(d) Costs associated with constant leather whip replacements due to heavy use.

6. What kept Solomon from joining the other slaves in their nighttime 'coon and opossum-hunting expeditions?
(a) He did not like the taste of 'coon.
(b) The hunting expeditions were conducted at night.
(c) He did not care for the taste of opossum.
(d) The hunting expeditions were conducted in the predawn hours of the day.

7. What type of work did Mr. Eldret have Solomon handle for him?
(a) Cotton picking.
(b) Raft building.
(c) Loom building.
(d) Land clearing.

8. What did Solomon use to repay the Fords for their kindness following his run through the Great Pacoudrie Swamp?
(a) A fish trap that he had built.
(b) Kindness.
(c) A note of thanks.
(d) A couple of dollars that he had saved.

9. In general, how did Solomon describe how Bass was regarded by others?
(a) Disliked and avoided.
(b) Well-liked and respected.
(c) Somewhat liked and respected.
(d) Unable to tell because Bass was so unpredictable.

10. Why were men in the North not allowed to settle disputes with pistols or fistfights?
(a) Because there were no hospitals in the North.
(b) Because neither person in a duel or a fistfight ever won.
(c) Because there were no cemeteries in the North.
(d) Because they lived in a civilized society.

11. What was the reason upon which Solomon based his bellief that Bass had left Marksville quietly?
(a) He did not want anything else to do with Solomon.
(b) So that he (Bass) could help him with his endeavor of regaining his freedom.
(c) He was not sure that he had performed his carpentry work to the liking of Avery.
(d) He had business to take care of in New Orleans.

12. What did the fact that Tibeats appeared unexpectedly three times while Solomon was working for Eldret indicate about him?
(a) That he was curious about how Eldret and Solomon got along with each another.
(b) That he was looking for ways to get even with Solomon.
(c) That he wanted to see whether Solomon worked harder for Eldret than he did for him.
(d) That he wanted to get Solomon in trouble with Eldret.

13. What was the nature of the meetings that Bass held with Solomon with regard to restoring his freedom?
(a) Open.
(b) Secretive.
(c) Illegal.
(d) Typical.

14. The approach toward Solomon by two individuals on the Epps Plantation signaled which of the following?
(a) The beginning of Solomon's enslavement at the Epps Plantation.
(b) The beginning of the end of Solomon's enslavement.
(c) The transfer of Solomon's enslavement to the McCoy Plantation.
(d) The continuation of Solomon's enslavement at the Epps Plantation.

15. How did people in the South make money at the time that Solomon was sold to Edwin Epps?
(a) By raising pigs.
(b) By catching runaway slaves.
(c) By catching possums.
(d) By turning in slave dealers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Solomon receive for Christmas, 1852?

2. Toward which of the following did Patsey look forward to the most, to one day save her from the cruelty of her masters?

3. Why was Bass hesitant to write additional letters to try to get help for Solomon?

4. What was the reason behind Avery hiring Solomon to help him build a house for Epps?

5. What was the main contributing factor that led toward the development of a friendship between Mrs. Ford and Solomon?

(see the answer keys)

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