Twelve Years a Slave Test | Final Test - Easy

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Twelve Years a Slave Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What concerned Solomon the most after Bass wrote and sent letters to those who might be able to help him regain his freedom?
(a) The delay in receiving an answer from any of them.
(b) The lack of reliability to Bass exhibited later.
(c) The writing style that Bass used in writing the letters.
(d) The quick and misleading answer he received.

2. Based on Author Northrup's description of the Christmastime gatherings attended by slaves and plantation owners, what seemed to be missing from the festivities?
(a) Clergymen.
(b) Children.
(c) Music.
(d) Food.

3. What did Solomon receive for Christmas, 1852?
(a) An update from Bass on the effort to free him from slavery.
(b) An aluminum plate and a set of utensils.
(c) A fish trap that he had always wanted.
(d) An extended vacation period from Epps.

4. Which of the following critter types was most costly to the planters?
(a) The caterpillar.
(b) The red ant.
(c) The worm.
(d) The termite.

5. What was the likely thought type that raised the level of respect for Marshall among those who lived in Bayou Bœuf after he killed the man from Natchez?
(a) That he was good at keeping outsiders out of the area.
(b) That he was the best--even if he wasn't in the West.
(c) That they liked him before--and that they liked him even more then.
(d) That he was the toughest man around.

6. Why was Solomon in high demand at various plantations in Bayou Bœuf during the Christmas season?
(a) Because the plantation owners needed extra help.
(b) Because he could play the violin.
(c) Because he was a hard worker.
(d) Because he was a great cook.

7. What seemed to be most valued by Epps' slaves at Christmastime?
(a) The singing that took place.
(b) The Christmas Supper.
(c) The Christmas Dance.
(d) The Leave Passes.

8. Why did Edwin Epps refuse to get rid of Patsey despite being urged to do so by Mrs. Epps?
(a) Becaues the whipping marks on Patsey's back made her appear rebellious.
(b) Because he was afraid that she would turn him in to the Sheriff for having abused her.
(c) Because Patsey had a reputation of being lazy.
(d) Because she was too valuable in the cotton field.

9. How did Tibeats feel when he told Solomon that he had sold him to Edwin Epps?
(a) He felt glad to be rid of Solomon.
(b) He feels as though he had finally beat Solomon at something.
(c) He felt guilty for having sold Solomon.
(d) He had second thoughts about having sold Solomon.

10. What did the fact that Tibeats appeared unexpectedly three times while Solomon was working for Eldret indicate about him?
(a) That he was looking for ways to get even with Solomon.
(b) That he wanted to see whether Solomon worked harder for Eldret than he did for him.
(c) That he wanted to get Solomon in trouble with Eldret.
(d) That he was curious about how Eldret and Solomon got along with each another.

11. In general, how did Solomon describe how Bass was regarded by others?
(a) Well-liked and respected.
(b) Somewhat liked and respected.
(c) Disliked and avoided.
(d) Unable to tell because Bass was so unpredictable.

12. What was one thing that slaves who get married at Christmastime had to have in order to take their vows?
(a) The right type of clothes.
(b) The ability to sign their name.
(c) Money.
(d) Their owner's consent.

13. Who was the slaves' best-loved plantation owner in Bayou Bœuf?
(a) John Tibeats.
(b) Edwin Epps.
(c) William Ford.
(d) Mary McCoy.

14. How did Mary McCoy become the owner of the Norwood Plantation?
(a) She bought it from Edwin Epps.
(b) Her late husband willed it to her.
(c) She inherited the Plantation from her parents who died.
(d) She purchased it from William Ford.

15. For the most part, why did whippings occur with high frequency at the Epps plantation?
(a) Because slaves did not pick the right amount of cotton.
(b) Because the slaves were constantly late to the cotton field.
(c) Because Epps constantly accused the slaves of stealing from him.
(d) Because the slaves tended to get rowdy.

Short Answer Questions

1. In one word, describe the type of work that Edwin Epps' slave driver did for him.

2. How can it best be said that Solomon described Bass?

3. What type of battle did Tibeats perceive himself to be involved in with Solomon?

4. What type of person did John Tibeats prove himself to be doing during the time that Solomon was working for Mr. Eldret?

5. Because it appeared that both the slaves and the white folks would put their differences aside at Chrismastime, what was the common denominator that encouraged both groups to do that?

(see the answer keys)

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