Twelve Years a Slave Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Years a Slave Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 1-5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which adjective pair best described Solomon, his brother, and father?
(a) Generous and hardworking.
(b) Hardworking and respectable.
(c) Fun-loving and fair.
(d) Critical and respectable.

2. In what order did the events listed take place in Solomon's life?
(a) He saved money, started his own business, got married, and worked hard.
(b) He started his own business, worked hard, saved money, and got married.
(c) He worked hard, started his own business, got married, and saved money.
(d) He got married, worked hard, saved money, and started his own business.

3. How did Burch react when Solomon first met him and told him that he was feeling sick?
(a) He sent for a doctor immediately.
(b) He was sympathetic and offered Solomon his help.
(c) He suggested that Solomon stay in bed until he felt better.
(d) He did not react. He continued to go about his business.

4. How did Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton treat Solomon while traveling to New York?
(a) With kindness and respect.
(b) They treated him like a hired hand.
(c) They treated him in a business-like manner.
(d) They did not speak to him very much.

5. Based on the description that Solomon wrote, what did his room at Williams' Pen Slave Pen resemble?
(a) A shed.
(b) A warehouse.
(c) A prison cell.
(d) A hide-out.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Solomon feel about the way that Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton treated him while on the way to New York?

2. From what Solomon could tell, what was the exterior design of Williams' Slave Pen in Washington City supposed to accomplish?

3. How can the manner in which Solomon, Eliza, and the other slaves were led from Williams' Slave Pen and onto the Orleans best be described?

4. What could be said about the type of access that Solomon and the other slaves had with respect to the yard that surrounded Williams' Slave Pen?

5. What circumstances allowed Solomon Northrup to be born a free man?

(see the answer key)

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