Twelve Years a Slave Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Years a Slave Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 21-22.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Shortly after buying them, how did William Ford show Solomon and the other slaves that he was compassionate toward them?
(a) He allowed them to eat hearty meals in his mansion on a regular basis.
(b) He had a doctor examine the slaves regularly to make sure that their health was in good order.
(c) He allowed the slaves to stop and rest frequently as they recuperate from small pox.
(d) He provided the slaves with frequent passes so that they could visit their relatives who lived close by.

2. Who had Solomon been thinking about right before the carriage went by on its way to the main house of the Epps Plantation?
(a) Samuel Bass.
(b) HIs father, Mintus.
(c) Cephas Parker.
(d) His wife, Anne.

3. Who was likely to be behind the idea of Jacob Brooks taking Eliza to get her freedom papers?
(a) Elisha Berry.
(b) Mrs. Berry and her daughter.
(c) Eliza.
(d) Jacob Brooks.

4. What step if any, did Edwin Epps take to try to hold onto Solomon?
(a) He reviewed the purchase papers that he had received from John Tibeats.
(b) He prayed that Solomon would somehow be returned to the plantation.
(c) He plotted to hold up the carriage carrying the Sheriff, Lawyer Henry B. Northrup, and Solomon.
(d) He hired a lawyer.

5. Why was it important to Chapin to keep a dog on the property of the great house where he and Solomon stayed?
(a) To take with them in case they decided to go on a hunting trip.
(b) To alert them about intruders.
(c) To play with his grandchildren.
(d) To alert them about thieves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Solomon learn as he was making his way to the Epps house with his rescuers?

2. What kept Solomon from joining the other slaves in their nighttime 'coon and opossum-hunting expeditions?

3. Who examined the documents that had been prepared for Solomon's release?

4. What type of person did John Tibeats prove himself to be doing during the time that Solomon was working for Mr. Eldret?

5. What was Epps' reaction upon learning that Solomon was a free man?

(see the answer key)

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