Tuesdays with Morrie Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tuesdays with Morrie Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Mitch find Morrie when he was ready to see him on this fourteenth Tuesday?
(a) In his bed.
(b) In his chair.
(c) On the toilet.
(d) In the kitchen.

2. On this eleventh Tuesday, Morrie and Mitch did something else while they talk. What did they do?
(a) They cried.
(b) They hugged.
(c) They ate.
(d) They held hands.

3. Who did Charlotte invite to the funeral?
(a) Hundreds of people.
(b) Family and a few good friends.
(c) All of Morrie's colleagues.
(d) All of Morrie's students.

4. On the eighth Tuesday, Morrie and Mitch talked about money and values. What is, according to Morrie, the result of people valuing the wrong thing?
(a) The don't care about anything.
(b) They lead disillusioned lives.
(c) They lead rich lives.
(d) They are happy.

5. What do people in the hospital do when somebody dies?
(a) They spray the body and remove it.
(b) They cremate the body.
(c) They bury the body.
(d) They cover the body with a sheet and remove it.

Short Answer Questions

1. On the eleventh Tuesday, what did Morrie claim is a major problem in society?

2. When Morrie was a child, his father would take his evening paper outside and read it. Where would he sit when he read his evening paper?

3. What shirt did Morrie wear on the day of his third interview with Nightline?

4. Mitch asked what Morrie would do if he was granted one more perfectly healthy day. What would Morrie have done?

5. Mitch didn't like to deal with his feelings. How did he avoid dealing with his feelings?

Short Essay Questions

1. Does Mitch ever hear Morrie's voice when he is alone?

2. Why did Mitch finally cry, this last Tuesday?

3. Morrie called the third interview with Nightline a compromise. Why?

4. Morrie's wife Charlotte called Mitch the Monday before the fourteenth Tuesday. Why?

5. What were the important issues in life, according to Morrie?

6. What did Morrie's family do when he lapsed into a coma?

7. When Mitch looked around Morrie's home, he saw a certain kind of wealth that had nothing to do with money. How had Morrie's house become a very wealthy home after his disease got diagnosed?

8. What do people need to forgive themselves for, according to Morrie?

9. What was the bleak truth about Morrie not being able to wipe his own behind anymore by the time of the third Nightline interview?

10. Why was Morrie initially embarrassed when he couldn't wipe his own behind anymore? What did he do next?

(see the answer keys)

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