Tuesdays with Morrie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tuesdays with Morrie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From which university did the narrator graduate?
(a) Yale University.
(b) Harvard University.
(c) Brandwine University.
(d) Brandeis University.

2. What did Morrie and an old friend who was deaf plan to do when Morrie could't speak anymore?
(a) Not see each other anymore.
(b) Stare at each other and be unable to communicate.
(c) Do nothing.
(d) Sit together and hold hands.

3. When Mitch was Morrie's student, Morrie decided to call him Mitch instead of Mitchell. Why?
(a) Because he hoped to be Mitch's friend one day.
(b) Because he didn't like the name Mitchell.
(c) Because he already knew somebody called Mitchell.
(d) Because Mitch told him that's what he prefers to be called.

4. In "The Curriculum", the author talks about one last class. What do you have to do in this "special" class to receive extra credit?
(a) Score high grades.
(b) Finish the assignments on time.
(c) Wave to the professor.
(d) Kiss the professor goodbye.

5. On this first Tuesday, Mitch and Morrie started a familiar routine which occurred during all the following visits. What was their routine?
(a) Mitch interviewed Morrie.
(b) They shook hands and give hugs.
(c) They talked about work.
(d) Morrie asked questions and gave insights after receiving the answers.

6. How did Mitch feel after he returned from London?
(a) Sad and lonely.
(b) Happy about finally changing jobs.
(c) He wants to die.
(d) Confused and depressed.

7. When Mitch was younger, he had a lot of conversations with Morrie. During one of those conversations, Morrie told him that people are pulled in two directions: what they know versus what they feel and what they need versus what they want. What did Morrie answer when Mitch asked him which side wins?
(a) The good side.
(b) Hate.
(c) The bad side.
(d) Love.

8. When Mitch returned to Detroit after visiting London, he was out of his newspaper job. What happened?
(a) Mitch got fired for staying in London too long.
(b) Mitch decided he didn't want to write for the newspaper anymore.
(c) The unions at his newspaper had gone on strike.
(d) People didn't buy his newspaper anymore.

9. Why did it bother Morrie that one day someone else would have to wipe his behind?
(a) He saw it as the ultimate sign of dependency.
(b) Because it made him feel sick.
(c) Because it smells.
(d) He saw it as a sign of weakness.

10. Because it was inevitable, Morrie planed to deal with the fact that somebody would have to wipe his backside in the future. How did he plan to deal with this?
(a) He would pretend to be a baby again.
(b) He would die before this had to happen.
(c) He would pretend he didnn't feel it.
(d) He would pretend to be an animal.

11. When Morrie taught his last college course, he announced to his students that he may not be able to finish the course. Why?
(a) He might retire.
(b) He might die.
(c) He might get sick of it.
(d) He might get sick.

12. How many years had Morrie and his almost-deaf friend been friends?
(a) Thirty-five years.
(b) Twenty-five years.
(c) Thirty years.
(d) Forty years.

13. What did Mitch hope to make a career as?
(a) As a professor.
(b) As a writer.
(c) As a dancer.
(d) As a musician.

14. What did Mitch promise his wife?
(a) That they will start a family.
(b) That they will get a dog.
(c) That they will become rich.
(d) That they will move to another city.

15. When Mitch returned to Morrie's house on the fourth Tuesday, which item had been added to Morrie's collection of medical equipment?
(a) A scale.
(b) A portable toilet.
(c) An oxygen machine.
(d) An electric wheelchair.

Short Answer Questions

1. What were some of the topics Mitch put in his list of questions for Morrie?

2. In relation to the one last class referred to as the book opens, when is the student/are the students required to produce a paper?

3. After his experience with the newspaper, Morrie appeared on a TV-show called Nightline. That interview began unusually. What happened?

4. What disease was Morrie eventually diagnosed with?

5. Not too long after his mother's death, a new and important person appeared in Morrie's life. Who is this person?

(see the answer keys)

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