Tracks Test | Final Test - Easy

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Tracks Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What job did Nanapush once perform for the government?
(a) Law officer
(b) Interpreter
(c) Priest
(d) Soldier

2. How does Pauline hurt her hands?
(a) Nanapush whips her
(b) Fleur cuts them with a knife
(c) She puts them in boiling water
(d) Pauline cuts them with glass

3. What do the boys do to Margaret?
(a) Cut off all her hair
(b) Rape her
(c) Kill her
(d) Cut her tongue off

4. What is Pauline's new name?
(a) Marie
(b) Sister Sarah
(c) Lulu
(d) Leopolda

5. Who pronounces Pauline white and able to serve in the convent?
(a) Father Damien
(b) Sister Anne
(c) The government agent
(d) God

6. How old is Nector when he snares Lazarre and Clarence?
(a) 15
(b) 9
(c) 6
(d) 10

7. Who do they bring to the shore to persuade Pauline off the lake?
(a) Lulu
(b) Marie
(c) Napolean
(d) Father Damien

8. What is the poison that afflicts the reservation?
(a) Influenza
(b) White men's money
(c) Alcohol
(d) Small pox

9. Who does Father Damien bring to Nanapush's?
(a) Eli
(b) A doctor
(c) Moses
(d) Dutch James

10. What does the white doctor want to do with Lulu's feet?
(a) Heat them in hot water
(b) Amputate
(c) Put salve on them
(d) Bind them

11. Who raises Marie?
(a) Margaret
(b) Bernadette
(c) Nanapush
(d) Fleur

12. Who moves into the empty houses?
(a) Animals
(b) Nuns
(c) Lazarres
(d) White men

13. Who is the father of Pauline's child?
(a) Napolean
(b) Nanapush
(c) The lake man
(d) Eli

14. What do Fleur and Eli bury the baby in?
(a) The box from Lulu's shoes
(b) A coffin in the lake
(c) They don't bury the baby
(d) A tree

15. What does Nanapush save for Margaret?
(a) A piece of meat from his plate
(b) Lulu's shoes
(c) A special scarf for her head
(d) Her cut braids

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Fleur ask for to stop her bleeding?

2. What does Father Damien want Nanapush to do?

3. Why can't Nanapush talk while tied in the barn during the attack by Clarence and Boy Lazzarre?

4. Where does Pauline travel in her dreams?

5. Where does Eli go after fleeing Fleur's cabin?

(see the answer keys)

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