The Things They Carried Test | Final Test - Easy

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Things They Carried Test | Final Test - Easy

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Tim take with him on his trip to Vietnam?
(a) His wife
(b) His father
(c) His son
(d) His daughter

2. How did Tim get the idea for the chapter titled "Speaking of Courage?"
(a) From his chat with Lt. Cross
(b) From a visit back to Vietnam
(c) From a newspaper article
(d) From a letter written by Norman Bowker

3. What is the person they meet doing in the middle of a burned house?
(a) Eating
(b) Dancing
(c) Talking to the dead
(d) Crying

4. Which feeling does the narrator not admit to about the war?
(a) Grief
(b) Sadness
(c) Guilt
(d) Responsibility

5. What question does Tim's daughter ask him?
(a) Did you ever get shot?
(b) Did you lose your best friend in war?
(c) Did you ever kill anyone?
(d) Did you have a girlfriend in Vietnam?

6. What is the name of Tim's daughter?
(a) Mary Anne
(b) Martha
(c) Kathleen
(d) Susan

7. By what area of the body does Norman Bowker attempt to pull the body out of the muck?
(a) His boot
(b) His hand
(c) His belt
(d) His arm

8. What is not a phrase used by the men to describe the dead?
(a) Cracker jack
(b) Crispy critter
(c) Crunchie munchie
(d) Roasted peanut

9. Who helps Tim spook Bobby Jorgenson out on patrol?
(a) Morty Phillips
(b) Henry Dobbins
(c) Azar
(d) Mitchell Sanders

10. What does the author say about truth?
(a) Everyone has their own truth
(b) Truth is absolute
(c) Story-truth is more real than happening-truth
(d) Truth is unattainable

11. In Tim's imagination, what village is the man he killed from?
(a) My Khe
(b) Tra Bong
(c) Saigon
(d) Than Khe

12. Who was the first person Tim grieved for their death?
(a) The man he killed on the trail
(b) His grandfather
(c) Kiowa
(d) Linda

13. What question of Kathleen's does Tim have a hard time finding an answer to?
(a) Why were they visiting Vietnam?
(b) Why was there a war?
(c) Why did he kill the man in the trail?
(d) Why did he write war stories?

14. What does Tim think would have happened if he ignored the man on the trail?
(a) The man would have just continued down the trail, unharmed
(b) Someone else in the platoon would have killed him
(c) The man would have planted land mines
(d) The man would have surrendered

15. What was Norman Bowker's chief criticism of the first draft of "Speaking of Courage?"
(a) It was a gross embellishment of the truth
(b) The piece is too short
(c) A lack of details
(d) The piece is too long

Short Answer Questions

1. Which is not a way the men coped with the night mission?

2. What medal did Norman Bowker almost win?

3. What was wrong with the village the men come upon in "Style?"

4. Who mimics the girl's dancing later that night, making Henry Dobbins angry?

5. What did Kiowa's father do?

(see the answer keys)

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