The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Esther feel as she careens down the ski slope?
(a) Concerned
(b) Happy
(c) Ambivalent
(d) Frightened

2. Why does Esther hope she will be paired up with Lenny instead of Frankie?
(a) Lenny is more charismatic than Frankie.
(b) Like Esther, Lenny is short while Frankie is tall.
(c) Lenny is much more attractive than Frankie.
(d) Like Esther, Lenny is tall while Frankie is short.

3. Why does Esther begin reading Finnegan's Wake?
(a) To get ahead the following semester
(b) To fill in a gap in her coursework
(c) To help her sleep
(d) To begin writing her thesis

4. Why won't Esther let Doreen come into her room when she returns from Lenny's?
(a) She fears she will never get rid of her again.
(b) She is angry at Doreen for waking her up.
(c) She fears she will vomit on her bed.
(d) She is angry at Doreen for not accompanying her on the long walk back to the hotel.

5. With whom does Esther ride back to the Amazon after leaving the movie premiere?
(a) Jay Cee
(b) Doreen
(c) Betsy
(d) Emily Ann

Short Answer Questions

1. What wakes Esther up later in the night?

2. What course keeps Esther from considering a major in English?

3. Why does Esther say she would never marry Buddy Willard?

4. What does Esther liken the potential choices she has in life to?

5. What grade does Esther earn in her physics class?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Esther's standing joke with her grandfather about caviar?

2. Describe the Amazon.

3. Why is Esther surprised when Buddy comes to visit her at college?

4. Describe the article that Esther's mother gives her from Reader's Digest ("In Defense of Chastity").

5. What activities does Esther consider taking up after finding out she was not accepted into the writing course?

6. Describe the events that lead to Esther's food poisoning

7. Describe the movie that the girls go to see from Esther's point of view

8. How does Esther change from the beginning to the end of this chapter?

9. What does Esther decide about her friendship with Doreen the night of their visit to Lenny's apartment? What causes her to make this decision?

10. Why does Marco give Esther his diamond stick pin?

(see the answer keys)

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