The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What disturbs Esther about the drug that the birthing mother is given?
(a) t claims to make the woman forget the experience, but actually only alleviates pain.
(b) It claims to alleviate pain, but actually only makes the woman forget her birth experience.
(c) It was created by a man.
(d) The woman is given the drug against her will.

2. Who is the only girl working at the magazine who does not get sick?
(a) Doreen
(b) Betsy
(c) Emily Ann
(d) Esther

3. Why does Esther begin reading Finnegan's Wake?
(a) To fill in a gap in her coursework
(b) To help her sleep
(c) To get ahead the following semester
(d) To begin writing her thesis

4. Which of the following does NOT adorn the waiting room at the sanatorium?
(a) Plants
(b) A fountain
(c) Leather chairs
(d) Magazines

5. How does Esther get from Lenny's apartment to the Amazon?
(a) Lenny drives her home.
(b) She walks alone the 43 blocks back to the hotel.
(c) She and Doreen walk the 43 blocks back to the hotel together.
(d) She takes a cab.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Esther think that Mr. Willard is telling her that he and his wife had always wanted a daughter?

2. How does Esther feel as she careens down the ski slope?

3. Who comes to rescue Esther when she passes out in the bathroom of the Amazon?

4. How does Ladies' Day determine what causes the girls' sickness?

5. What surprises Esther about Buddy's appearance when she first sees him at the sanatorium?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Esther and Hilda's conversation at breakfast.

2. Describe the birth scene that Esther and Buddy witness from Esther's point of view

3. What is Esther's standing joke with her grandfather about caviar?

4. Describe Buddy's first visit to Esther's college

5. What activities does Esther consider taking up after finding out she was not accepted into the writing course?

6. Contrast Esther's and Buddy's feelings about his diagnosis

7. Why does Esther decide to take a bath when she returns to her hotel?

8. What is Eric's philosophy on sexual relationships?

9. Who are Frankie and Lenny?

10. What does Esther decide about her friendship with Doreen the night of their visit to Lenny's apartment? What causes her to make this decision?

(see the answer keys)

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