The Bell Jar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bell Jar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where will Esther live after leaving the asylum?
(a) Her mother's home
(b) With the Willards
(c) Her college dormitory
(d) The Amazon hotel

2. What complaint do all of the patients at the hospital have of Esther's volunteer work?
(a) They do not like her rearranging their flowers.
(b) They do not like her stand offish attitude.
(c) She drops the flower vases and spills the water.
(d) She does not deliver the correct bouquets.

3. What does Esther do that gets her transferred to another hospital?
(a) She breaks a mirror.
(b) She refuses shock treatment.
(c) She yells at George Bakewell.
(d) She attacks her mother.

4. Who does Jody set Esther up on a blind date with?
(a) Cal
(b) Mark
(c) Buddy
(d) Dr. Gordon

5. Why doesn't Esther wash her clothes or bathe?
(a) It seems silly to her.
(b) It irritates her mother.
(c) She wants to preserve the memory of her time in NYC.
(d) She is too tired because she has not slept in days.

6. Where does Esther wake up at the start of this chapter?
(a) In the psychiatric ward
(b) In her bedroom
(c) In her basement
(d) In her college dorm room

7. Other than tabloid magazines, what type of books is Esther able to read?
(a) Abnormal psychology texts
(b) Poetry
(c) A book of short stories
(d) James Joyce's novels

8. Why does Dr. Quinn visit Esther late one night?
(a) To ask for help finding Joan
(b) To reprimand her for going to Irwin's apartment
(c) To check on her after she hemorrhaged
(d) To have a private therapy session

9. What led Joan to run away from home?
(a) Her breakup with Buddy
(b) Sores on her feet
(c) An article about Esther
(d) A fight with her parents

10. How long has it been since Esther has slept when she first visits Dr. Gordon?
(a) 3 nights
(b) 7 nights
(c) 14 nights
(d) 30 nights

11. Who is Joan planning on living with when she leaves the asylum?
(a) Esther
(b) Her old college roommate
(c) Her parents
(d) Nurse Kennedy

12. Who is Esther's doctor at the private hospital?
(a) Dr. Nolan
(b) Dr. Syphilis
(c) Buddy Willard
(d) Dr. Gordon

13. What treasure does Esther take with her to solitary confinement?
(a) A book of poetry
(b) A ball of mercury
(c) A mirror
(d) A letter from Buddy

14. Why does Dr. Nolan arrive early at Esther's room one day?
(a) To tell her she will be having a shock treatment
(b) To tell her she is improving
(c) To tell her her mother will be visiting later in the day
(d) To have a private therapy session

15. What keeps Esther from committing suicide with the cord from her mother's robe?
(a) She decides it is much nobler to die by cutting her wrists.
(b) Her mother comes home and finds her.
(c) Her hands release the cord before she loses consciousness.
(d) The cord breaks as she is tying it in a noose.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long has it been since Esther has slept?

2. Why did Joan say she dated Buddy?

3. How does the shock treatment make Esther feel?

4. What happens to Esther after having sex with Irwin?

5. What treatment does Dr. Gordon suggest for Esther?

(see the answer keys)

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