The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What trait makes Esther admire Jay Cee?
(a) Her looks
(b) Her directness
(c) Her intelligence
(d) Her success

2. Why has a medical student been assigned to deliver the woman's baby on the day Esther and Buddy visit the hospital?
(a) Delivering a baby is a medical school requirement.
(b) The doctor assigned to the woman is attending to another birth.
(c) The doctor on call is stuck in traffic.
(d) Delivering eight babies is a medical school requirement.

3. Why is Esther disturbed by Buddy's view of poetry?
(a) It demonstrates his ignorance.
(b) It shows that he never read the poems she wrote for him.
(c) She is a literature major and a writer.
(d) She believes that poetry is more important than cadavers.

4. Where is Marco from?
(a) Peru
(b) Italy
(c) Spain
(d) Venezuela

5. What causes Esther's skiing accident?
(a) Buddy is talking to her as she is skiing.
(b) A man crosses her path.
(c) She does not know how to ski.
(d) She loses one of her skis.

6. Why does Doreen vomit on the carpet of the hotel hallway?
(a) She is drunk.
(b) She has the flu.
(c) She is upset that Lenny dumped her.
(d) She has food poisoning.

7. Who helped foster Esther's appreciation for fine food?
(a) Her mother
(b) Her grandfather
(c) Doreen
(d) Her grandmother

8. How does Esther feel as she careens down the ski slope?
(a) Happy
(b) Frightened
(c) Concerned
(d) Ambivalent

9. For Esther the world is divided along the lines of---
(a) virginity
(b) gender
(c) political beliefs
(d) race

10. Who is missing from the Ladies' Day luncheon?
(a) Doreen
(b) Betsy
(c) Hilda
(d) Esther

11. What does Lenny's apartment look like to Esther?
(a) A ranch
(b) A hunting lodge
(c) A dance club
(d) A mansion

12. What does Buddy tell Esther she will want to abandon once she has children?
(a) Her career
(b) College
(c) Poetry
(d) Reading

13. What is Lenny Shepherd famous for?
(a) He is popular dancer.
(b) He is a popular disc jockey.
(c) He is a popular actor.
(d) He is the owner of a popular bar.

14. What does Esther do to prevent Marco from raping her?
(a) She calls for Doreen.
(b) She stabs him with his diamond pin.
(c) She punches him in the stomach.
(d) She punches him in the nose.

15. Why does Jody call Esther?
(a) To ask about her magazine internship
(b) To see if she still needs a room in her house
(c) To inquire about Buddy
(d) To see when she will arrive at college for the summer

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Esther do the first time she saw a finger bowl?

2. What does Esther do when she returns to the Amazon the night that Marco attacks her?

3. Why does Esther say she would never marry Buddy Willard?

4. What surprises Esther the most about Marco?

5. How does Esther feel when she hangs up the phone after talking with Buddy?

(see the answer keys)

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