The Waste Lands Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Waste Lands Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reason does Blaine give in Chapter 39 for killing everyone in Lud?
(a) They bore him.
(b) They deserve to die.
(c) They treated him badly.
(d) They want to die.

2. What does Eddie believe caused the crash?
(a) The plane was hit with lightning.
(b) The plane ran into a storm.
(c) The plane ran out of gas.
(d) The plane was hit by gunfire.

3. How many miles will Blaine go before he reaches the end of his track?
(a) Seven hundred miles.
(b) Seven miles.
(c) Seventy miles.
(d) Seven thousand miles.

4. What contest does Roland's ka-tet and Blaine enter into in the final pages of the novel?
(a) A riddle contest.
(b) A spelling contest.
(c) A singing contest.
(d) A mathmatic contest.

5. What building is Susannah reminded of in Chapter 21 as she follows Maud and Jeeves to the Cradle of Lud?
(a) The Sphinx.
(b) The Parthenon.
(c) The Louver.
(d) The New York Public Library.

6. What has happened to two buildings on the outskirts of the town Roland and his friends come to in Chapter 4?
(a) They have been abandoned.
(b) They have been burned.
(c) They have fallen to ruin.
(d) They have exploded.

7. What does Roland mentally scream at Jake to do in Chapter 32?
(a) Kill Tick-Tock Man.
(b) Run.
(c) Save Oy.
(d) Open the door.

8. How do Susannah and Eddie chose which way to go in the city of Lud on Chapter 18?
(a) They ask Roland.
(b) They choose at random.
(c) They choose the street with the turtle on the sign.
(d) They follow citizens in the street.

9. What is graf?
(a) Apple stew.
(b) Apple beer.
(c) Apple cobbler.
(d) Apple pie.

10. To what machines does Tick-Tock Man compare the feeling in his head in Chapter 40?
(a) A cider press.
(b) A clothes press.
(c) A machine press.
(d) A printing press.

11. How does Eddie prove to Big Blaine who he is and where he came from in Chapter 27?
(a) By showing his Ruger.
(b) By listing the names of his ka-tet.
(c) By showing his driver's license.
(d) By listing the landmarks in New York.

12. How does Roland give Jake instructions in Chapter 28?
(a) Notes.
(b) Phone.
(c) Telepathy.
(d) Oy.

13. Why does Jake briefly think about stepping on a trigger to a boobytrap in Chapter 19?
(a) He hopes it will make things safer for Roland and the others.
(b) He wants to kill Gasher.
(c) He hopes it will alert Roland to his location.
(d) Because it has to be better than what Gasher has planned for him.

14. Why does Eddie fire a shot from his Ruger into the rain soaked sky in Chapter 27?
(a) To frighten off the Pubes.
(b) To let Roland they found Blaine's Cradle.
(c) To warn Blaine of their arrival at his cradle.
(d) To express frustration.

15. What does Susannah suddenly realize was left behind in Chapter 4?
(a) Her sling.
(b) Her wheelchair.
(c) Her gun.
(d) Her gun belt.

Short Answer Questions

1. What conclusion does Jake come to about Blaine during his dream in Chapter 16?

2. Who bursts into the bunker and attacks Tick-Tock Man in Chapter 31?

3. Why does Roland put a leash on Oy in Chapter 23?

4. What is a monorail?

5. What is a way-gog?

(see the answer keys)

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