The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Eirik's Saga, Chapters 1 - 2, Gudrid's Ancestry, Eirik Explores Greenland.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Leif names the second land that he and his crew land on after a natural resource on it. What resource is this?
(a) A fresh water spring.
(b) Wide grasslands.
(c) The woods.
(d) Gold.

2. What happens to the brothers and their men?
(a) Freydis has her husband Thorvard kill them.
(b) They die from a disease.
(c) They skraelings kill them.
(d) They fight amonst themselves and leave.

3. What does Leif do when he hears rumors about what happened in Vinland.
(a) Torture three of Freydis's men until he learns the truth.
(b) Confront Freydis and demand the truth.
(c) Ignore the rumors.
(d) Travel to Vinland to determine the truth.

4. Which of the following best describes the sentiment between Freydis and the brothers in Vinland?
(a) General ill will.
(b) Distrust and fear.
(c) Business and formality.
(d) Friendship.

5. What does Freydis ask of one of the brothers?
(a) To murder his brother.
(b) To return to Greenland and bring Leif.
(c) To supply her with extra food.
(d) If he will trade ships so she can leave.

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes a fight between Eirik and Thorgest?

2. Where does Eirik propose to go when he leaves Iceland?

3. What does Eirik lend to Thorgest?

4. Why does Eirik name the land he discovered "Greenland"?

5. Who are the parents of Thorstein the Red?

(see the answer key)

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