The Unfair Advantage Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Donohue
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Unfair Advantage Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Donohue
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mark describe the Europeans?
(a) Very arrogant and rude.
(b) Very energetic and happy.
(c) Very easy-going and calm, with low expectations.
(d) Very tough, very demanding and with very high expectations of each other.

2. They are happy because they have satisfied ___________________ by winning the Fomula races with the Javelins.
(a) Ford Motors.
(b) General Motors.
(c) Dodge Motors.
(d) American Motors.

3. They look for a way to get further into Formula One racing and realize that the opening at _________________ race track may enable them to get the team to the next level.
(a) Indianapolis.
(b) Michigan.
(c) Churchill Downs.
(d) Watkins Glen.

4. How is Mark Donohue lucky in this situation?
(a) He is signing autographs, so he is not around when the incident occurs.
(b) He is racing, so he is not around when the incident occurs.
(c) He is out of town, so he is not around when the incident occurs.
(d) He is napping when the incident occurs, so he is not around.

5. Mark is able to go ______________ at Indianapolis, and when he tells another driver this fact, the other man is shocked and walks off, literally reeling from the blow.
(a) 177.8mph.
(b) 176.8mph.
(c) 186.7mph.
(d) 187.7mph.

6. The Europeans do not realize that the Americans are used to having who drive the race cars?
(a) Owners.
(b) Young men.
(c) Engineers.
(d) Trained drivers.

7. While the engineers are repairing a car, what happens in the garage?
(a) A match is lit.
(b) A cigarette falls on the ground.
(c) A spark catches.
(d) A lighter catches fabric on fire.

8. There is a problem with the fire extinguishers, and what is the result?
(a) The fire trucks have to come put the fire out.
(b) The Lolas and the entire garage are burned to uselessness.
(c) One of the Lolas is burned.
(d) The men have to rely on buckets of water to put out the fire.

9. Mark finishes _______ and is mocked by another driver.
(a) 3rd.
(b) 4th.
(c) 2nd.
(d) 1st.

10. Right after a victory, the Porsche people offer the Penske people the opportunity to run a brand new type of Porsche ______ designed for racing conditions.
(a) 644.
(b) 911.
(c) 733.
(d) 822.

11. One feature of Roger Penske and also of Mark Donohue is that, despite all their speed, they actually do what?
(a) Like to move slowly.
(b) Do not like to drive.
(c) Think things over before they commit to anything.
(d) Drive very slowly on public roads.

12. This chapter is dated _________.
(a) 1977.
(b) 1967.
(c) 1975.
(d) 1973.

13. This chapter is dated ____________.
(a) 1974-1975.
(b) 1976-1977.
(c) 1972-1973.
(d) 1973-1974.

14. Does Mark feel that any of the fans have even the vaguest idea of what it is he is actually doing?
(a) Yes, a few.
(b) Yes, many.
(c) No.
(d) Yes, most.

15. Mark requests a car to be built a certain way. Then he road tests it at the track for how many days?
(a) Two.
(b) Three.
(c) One.
(d) Four.

Short Answer Questions

1. Is Mark getting worse at racing?

2. Roger Penske has had ________________ races in the back of his mind.

3. The Penske team presently has ___________ different cars running in NASCAR, Can-Am and USAC style races for the season.

4. Sunoco is interested in Formula A racing, partly because of what reason?

5. Mark Donohue has a strong, positive instinctive reaction to a new car that the _______________ people have made to try at Indianapolis, where they are underdogs without much experience.

(see the answer keys)

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