The Puritan Dilemma; the Story of John Winthrop Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Puritan Dilemma; the Story of John Winthrop Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. It was early in what year that the English Civil War broke out?
(a) 1642
(b) 1619
(c) 1635
(d) 1665

2. What individual, who was later to be honored as Cromwell’s chaplain, urged that John Cotton be commissioned to “go through the Bible, and raise marginal notes upon all the knotty places of the scriptures,” according to the author in Chapter 10: “Seventeenth-Century Nihilism”?
(a) Hugh Peter
(b) William Blackstone
(c) John Humfrey
(d) Isaac Johnson

3. When did the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony finally order Roger Williams to leave the colony within six weeks?
(a) May, 1629
(b) October, 1635
(c) November, 1638
(d) December, 1632

4. When did King Charles I meet with defiance for attempting to impose the Anglican prayer book in Scotland?
(a) May, 1640
(b) June, 1642
(c) March, 1639
(d) September, 1641

5. What term from Chapter 10: “Seventeenth-Century Nihilism” refers to one who holds that under the gospel, dispensation of grace is of no use or obligation because faith alone is necessary to salvation”?
(a) An anarchist
(b) An antinomian
(c) A Presbyterian
(d) A conversionist

6. Roger Williams first arrived in the New World aboard what ship?
(a) The Arbella
(b) The St. Mary
(c) The Holy Royal
(d) The Lyon

7. What term from the book refers to a political leader in a democracy who appeals to the emotions, prejudices, and ignorance of the less-educated citizens in order to gain power and promote political motives?
(a) Synod
(b) Demagogue
(c) Fascist
(d) Despotism

8. James Luxford worked for John Winthrop in what position?
(a) His Deputy Governor
(b) Overseer of his lands
(c) His butler
(d) His carriage-driver

9. Where did Roger Williams go after he became dissatisfied with the church in Plymouth in 1633?
(a) Hartford
(b) Portland
(c) Salem
(d) Medford

10. Thomas Dudley was angered that John Winthrop had allowed the people of Watertown to build a weir where, according to the author in Chapter 8: “Leniency Rebuked”?
(a) On the Mississippi River
(b) On the Hudson River
(c) On the Charles River
(d) On the Merrimack River

11. Thomas Dudley was angered that John Winthrop lent twenty-eight pounds of what to Plymouth colony without authorization, according to the author in Chapter 8: “Leniency Rebuked”?
(a) Cured meat
(b) Gunpowder
(c) Potatoes
(d) Corn

12. What does the author say James Luxford was ultimately convicted of in Chapter 12: “New England or Old”?
(a) Treason, forgery, and lying
(b) Bigamy, lying, and forgery
(c) Arson, forgery, and theft
(d) Murder, forgery, and lying

13. What word from Chapter 11: “The New England Way” refers to an officer appointed as deputy by and to a sovereign or supreme chief?
(a) Demagogue
(b) Vicegerent
(c) Synod
(d) Despotism

14. Where had Roger Williams studied divinity?
(a) St. Edwards
(b) Cambridge
(c) Stourbridge
(d) St. Thomas

15. When did William and Anne Hutchinson first arrive in Boston?
(a) September 18, 1634
(b) May 15, 1629
(c) February 2, 1626
(d) July 28, 1629

Short Answer Questions

1. On what date did John Winthrop summon at Charlestown the first meeting labeled in the records as a General Court?

2. Who is said to have “removed himself to the Narragansett country, remarking that he had left England because he did not like the Lord Bishops and found the rule of the Lord Brethren no better” in Chapter 7: “A Due Form of Government”?

3. What “testy pastor of Ipswich, held himself unworthy to wipe John Cotton’s slippers,” according to the author in Chapter 10: “Seventeenth-Century Nihilism”?

4. The amount of debts that John Winthrop ended up with as a result of James Luxford’s actions was how much, according to the author in Chapter 12: “New England or Old”?

5. What two prominent ministers were chosen to carry the wisdom of the colony back to the mother country in the light of the troubles faced in 1641, according to the author in Chapter 12: “New England or Old”?

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