The Puritan Dilemma; the Story of John Winthrop Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Puritan Dilemma; the Story of John Winthrop Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8: Leniency Rebuked.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did John Winthrop set up his headquarters when he moved the colony into the bay, according to the narrator in Chapter 5: “Survival”?
(a) Mount Desert
(b) Newtown
(c) Charlestown
(d) Cape Sable

2. Of whom does the author say in Chapter 2: “Evil and Declining Times,” “[T]heir defiance was also a desertion. They failed their fellow men. They abandoned a charity to which the Puritans held fast”?
(a) The Presbyterians
(b) The separatists
(c) The Congregationalists
(d) The Calvinists

3. What company established the Sagadahoc Colony in 1607 in present-day Maine?
(a) The St. James Charter Company
(b) The Massachusetts Bay Company
(c) The Plymouth Company
(d) The Dorchester Company

4. Who succeeded Mary Tudor as the ruler of England?
(a) Elizabeth I
(b) James I
(c) Charles I
(d) Henry VIII

5. The narrator says in Chapter 3: “A Shelter and a Hiding Place that in New England” that a group of separatists had been living at Plymouth since what year?
(a) 1598
(b) 1620
(c) 1640
(d) 1515

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the approximate distance between London, England, and Boston, Massachusetts?

2. What minister does the author describe in 1633 as giving a lecture in Boston when he was questioned on whether or not women ought to wear veils in church in Chapter 8: “Leniency Rebuked”?

3. What group of the New England Puritans wanted to destroy the bishops and then let each individual church be sufficient to itself, according to the author in Chapter 6: “A Special Commission”?

4. According to the author, Arminianism was a belief that men could do what by their own will power?

5. How many colonists came to the New World to establish the Sagadahoc Colony in 1607?

(see the answer key)

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