The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Daniel Yergin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Daniel Yergin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. RDSG geologists put which country atop the list of potential oil finds?
(a) Guam
(b) Japan
(c) Venezuela
(d) France

2. What company did John D. Rockefeller and Henry Flagler start?
(a) Exxon Mobil, Inc.
(b) Irving Oil Company
(c) Citgo, Inc.
(d) Standard Oil Company

3. By late 1944, 120,000 barrels of aviation gasoline were delivered daily to where?
(a) Java
(b) Guam
(c) Toyko
(d) Channel Islands

4. The deals between countries and oil companies for royalties and other fees were referred to as what?
(a) Ten/Ninety Deals
(b) Sixty/Forty Deals
(c) Twenty/Eighty Deals
(d) Fifty/Fifty Deals

5. By 1915, APOC was supplying how much of the British Navy's oil needs?
(a) 90%
(b) 50%
(c) 20%
(d) 75%

6. Early in 1942, Hitler developed which plan, aimed at the Caucasus and beyond, to the oil fields of Iran and Iraq, and onward to India?
(a) Operation Caucasus
(b) Operation Soviet
(c) Operation Volkswagon
(d) Operation Bleu

7. Who stepped in to restore order as majors and independents feuded in the United States?
(a) Texas Railroad Commission (TRC)
(b) North American Oil Commission (NAOC)
(c) California Oil Association (COA)
(d) United States Automobile Association (USAA)

8. Who set up the Eastern and General Syndicate to develop business opportunities in the Middle East?
(a) Winston Churchill
(b) Frank Holmes
(c) Robert Nelson
(d) Thomas Neville

9. What document came out of the meeting, which encouraged cooperation by the oil companies?
(a) As-Is
(b) SC-RC
(c) Oil Agreement Pact
(d) Petroleum Edict (PET)

10. Who published a book on the history of Standard Oil Company?
(a) Sarah Roosevelt
(b) Ida Tarbell
(c) Anna Burton
(d) Grace von Darnell

11. Germans pioneered the extraction of what from coal before World War I?
(a) Petroleum
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Synthetic fuels
(d) Oil

12. What method of delivery for oil did the oil companies settle on to avoid teamster conflicts?
(a) Tanker trucks
(b) Trains
(c) Pipelines
(d) Boats

13. "Colonel" Edwin Drake applied the salt drilling techniques of what country to oil?
(a) Iran
(b) Australia
(c) Kenya
(d) China

14. Who took over leadership of Standard from Rockefeller?
(a) Daniel Rockefeller
(b) Immanuel Nobel
(c) John D. Archibold
(d) John Mellon

15. Which country did the United States begin transshipping to in 1940?
(a) England
(b) Israel
(c) Russia
(d) Poland

Short Answer Questions

1. In December 1941, Japan bombed what target in the U.S.?

2. Who favored favored domestic spending over war preparations against Germany in 1911?

3. Who toured the Middle East and believed it to be "the greatest prize in history" because of its oil?

4. Who struck a deal with Saudi Arabia for $9.5 million up front; $1 million a year, whether or not oil was pumped; and a royalty of $0.55 per barrel?

5. Which Swedish inventor established a considerable industrial company in Russia?

(see the answer keys)

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