The Praise of Folly Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Praise of Folly Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 1 - 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who speaks at the beginning of The Praise of Folly?
(a) More.
(b) Folly.
(c) Homer.
(d) Praise.

2. According to the Prefatory Letter, Erasmus wrote The Praise of Folly on what?
(a) A boat.
(b) A stagecoach.
(c) Horseback.
(d) A carriage.

3. Which of the following does Erasmus name as a famous author who wrote frivolity?
(a) Chaucer.
(b) Augustine.
(c) Virgil.
(d) Defoe.

4. Erasmus believes he is not writing sarcasm, but what instead?
(a) Warning and advice.
(b) Allegorical interpretation.
(c) Innocent jokes.
(d) Criticism and dissent.

5. Who are the two gods in Folly's household?
(a) Zeus and Theseus.
(b) Revelry and Sound Sleep.
(c) Zeus and Mars.
(d) Mirth and Longevity.

Short Answer Questions

1. Erasmus remembers that someone wrote the last will and testament of the piglet Grunnius Corocotta, as mentioned by whom?

2. Which two nymphs nursed Folly?

3. According to the Prefatory Letter, Erasmus wrote The Praise of Folly on his journey to England from where?

4. Who considers themselves gods on earth if they can use Greek words in their speeches?

5. Erasmus says he wants to survey the ridiculous rather than the what?

(see the answer key)

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